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Donald Edward Reott III - Atlanta, GA

60 Lenox Pointe NE Atlanta, GA 30324

Updated: 02/18/2024

Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer


Donald Reott spent his childhood in Georgia while his father was stationed at Kings Bay Naval Base. He later moved to Florida and earned his undergraduate degree cum laude in Physics from the University of Florida with a minor in Philosophy.

Donald returned to Georgia to enroll in Georgia State University's College of Law. As he worked toward his Juris Doctor, Donald focused on developing his litigation skills by joining the Student Trail Lawyer Association and attending upper level litigation courses. Donald graduated from law school with honors in 2012 and was admitted to the Georgia Bar later that year.

Before joining Stottlemyer & Associates, Donald worked for a small plaintiffs' firm in Gwinnett County. There, he practiced Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation, and Social Security. From there, he joined a firm in Sandy Springs, where he was responsible for managing a large caseload of active litigation files, many of which he brought to jury trials.

Now at Stottlemyer & Associates, Donald works to help injury victims in Georgia. Whether one is injured due to the negligent or intentional conduct of another or gets hurt while fulfilling their job duties, Donald navigates the legal issues that these victims face and diligently fights for the highest compensation under the law.

Outside of the practice of law, Donald enjoys hiking, football, and food. He currently lives in Brookhaven, Georgia with his wife, and their two daughters, dog, and cat.      

About Donald Edward Reott III

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury 70%
  • Worker Compensation 25%
  • Social Security 5%


  • 50%

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Associate


  • English


Bar Admissions

  • Georgia, 2012
  • U.S. District Court Northern District of Georgia, 2015

Other Affiliations

  • GTLA
  • Georgia Bar


  • Georgia State University College of Law, Atlanta, Georgia
    Honors: cum laude
  • University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 2007
    Honors: cum laude
    Major: Physics

Past Positions

  • Schneider Hammers, LLC, Associate, 2014 - 2016
  • Law Offices of Robert Parniello, Associate, 2012 - 2014



  • CALI Award - Professional Responsibility, 2012


Office Information


60 Lenox Pointe NE Atlanta, GA 30324


  • 404-287-2955

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60 Lenox Pointe NE Atlanta, GA 30324

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