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The Stefanie Drake Burford Law Group - Cedartown, GA

318 Main StreetHouseal Building, 2nd Floor, Suite G Cedartown, GA 30125

Updated: 05/04/2021

Cedartown Personal Injury Law Firm


Personal Injury Attorney Stefanie Drake Burford founded our Cedartown law firm, The Stefanie Drake Burford Law Group, after deciding to devote her legal career to protecting the rights of innocent victims. At our Georgia firm, we proudly provide legal representation to victims and their families as they pursue compensation for injuries and losses that are the result of the negligence of others.

We offer legal services all over Georgia to victims injured in a wide range of accidents, including:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Trucking accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Animal attacks and dog bites
  • Wrongful death
  • Workplace accidents

In addition, Ms. Burford, an avid motorcyclist and proud part of the biker community for more than fifteen years, also regularly represents victims of motorcycle accidents. Because she is a rider, she can identify with the terror such accidents can inflict and the damages, both physical and emotional, that can result from motorcycle wrecks.

If you or a loved one suffered an injury at the hands of another's negligent act, you can put your trust in The Stefanie Drake Burford Law Group. Ms. Burford will personally take the time to ensure you understand what to expect from the legal process, and will act as your guide and support until the resolution of your case. Each client also has a dedicated case manager. To ensure our law firm's services are available to all, we offer free initial consultations by telephone at 1-844-STEF-LAW or at our Cedartown law office to all prospective clients. We will also come to you, and are available to meet at other locations throughout Georgia.

About The Stefanie Drake Burford Law Group

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents

Office Information


318 Main StreetHouseal Building, 2nd Floor, Suite G Cedartown, GA 30125


  • 770-675-3824

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Other Offices

The Stefanie Drake Burford Law Group (Main Office) 127 Church Street The Brumby Building at Marietta Station Suite 340 Marietta, GA 30060 844-783-3529


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By Anonymous on Dec. 08, 2023
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

They are very helpful with anything and everything. I couldn’t have asked for better help they truly went out of their way to help me and explain things and helped keep everything on the right track.

The Stefanie Drake Burford Law Group

The Stefanie Drake Burford Law Group

replied on Feb. 01, 2024
Thank you so much for your positive review! We truly appreciate your business!
By Bobby P. on Jan. 31, 2024
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

They did a good job. Held the insurance company accountable for what they should have been accountable for all along. Got my bills reduced and paid. Got more than I had expected, got the bills paid and money in my pocket. I recommend seeking an attorney as soon as possible. I waited way too long to call, because I didn’t know better and thought the insurance company would do the right thing. I found out that insurance companies are legal extortionists. Attorney are needed for this reason.

The Stefanie Drake Burford Law Group

The Stefanie Drake Burford Law Group

replied on Feb. 01, 2024
Thank you Bobby! We truly appreciate your trust in our firm!
By Anonymous on Nov. 16, 2022
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

I highly recommend this law firm. Excellent service and results!

Call us at 770-462-5489

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Firm Address

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318 Main StreetHouseal Building, 2nd Floor, Suite G Cedartown, GA 30125

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