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Anna Perry Law, LLC - Villa Rica, GA

329 S. Carroll Road Villa Rica, GA 30180

Updated: 11/11/2024

Villa Rica Family Law Firm


From my office Anna Perry Law, located in Villa Rica, I offer diligent service in the field of law to the people of Georgia. Licensed by the Georgia State Bar in 2013, I have more than a decade of experience providing fierce representation and credible counsel. With extensive experience handling a broad range of legal matters, I extend my services to include the areas of family law, estate planning and probate law, and personal injury.

Handling matters from highly contested divorce, custody and adoption to legitimation and, pre- and postnuptial agreements, I offer services that encompass several aspects of family law. Any decision regarding your family can be hard to take and will have a significant impact on the future. Whether it is a marital or a nonmarital relationship, I make sure to prioritize your needs and develop strategies that align with your requirements.

Long-term planning is essential to sustain your assets and pass them down to the next generation when the time arrives. Documents such as wills, health care directives, and powers of attorney are essential to the meticulous planning needed to protect your future and lead a life on your terms. With the insights gained over years-long interactions with probate law, I help your loved ones easily inherit their assets without unnecessary delay and complications in the proceedings.

According to the seriousness of your injury and the circumstances in which it was caused, I devise strategies that can get you the maximum compensation you deserve for your loss. The authorities and individuals whose reckless and negligent actions have caused you harm, demand to be brought to justice so that the history of unfortunate events is not repeated. Among the many personal injury cases and lawsuits I pursue are motor vehicle accidents and wrongful deaths.

Contact Anna Perry Law if you seek comprehensive legal advice and representation in the realms of family law, estate planning and personal injury. I offer virtual appointments for you to access our services online.

About Anna Perry Law, LLC

Practice Areas

  • Family Law
  • Probate
  • Divorce
  • Custody
  • Adoption
  • Father's Rights
  • Mediation




  • Mariah Wyble, Legal Assistant

Office Information


329 S. Carroll Road Villa Rica, GA 30180


  • 770-459-5399


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329 S. Carroll Road Villa Rica, GA 30180

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