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Kelly Guzzo, PLC - Honolulu, HI

500 Ala Moana Blvd.Suite 7400 Honolulu, HI 96813

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 01/13/2021

Honolulu Consumer Protection Law Firm


The law firm of Kelly Guzzo, PLC has a genuine commitment to leveling the playing field between individuals and companies. The firm focuses exclusively on consumer protection matters, and practices primarily in Virginia, Maryland, Hawaii and the District of Columbia. Over the past ten years, our attorneys handled over 600 consumer cases in state and federal court, returning tens of millions of dollars to consumers in public settlements alone. Our attorneys are nationally-recognized experts in consumer protection, having been consistently named Super Lawyers and Rising Stars by Thompson Reuters. We tailor our representation to ensure the best result for each client, and there are no out-of-pocket costs. Our attorneys consult with potential clients free of charge, and only collect fees if we settle your case or obtain a judgment on your behalf.

We handle the following consumer protection cases:
  • Credit Report Errors
  • Identity Theft
  • Inaccurate Employment Background Checks
  • Mistakes on Tenant Screening Reports
  • Wrongful Foreclosure
  • Mortgage Servicing Abuses
  • Mixed Up Credit Files
  • Debt Collection Abuse
  • Other Predatory Lending (internet loans, payday loans, etc.)

About Kelly Guzzo, PLC

Practice Areas

  • Consumer Protection
  • Credit Mistake
  • Identity Theft
  • Background Check
  • Inaccurate Credit

Office Information


500 Ala Moana Blvd.Suite 7400 Honolulu, HI 96813


  • 703-591-0167

Other Offices

Kelly Guzzo, PLC (Main Office) 3925 Chain Bridge Rd. Suite 202 Fairfax, VA 22030 - 6803 703-424-7570

Kelly Guzzo, PLC 1300 I Street NW Suite 400E Washington, DC 20005 808-664-4651

Kelly Guzzo, PLC 200 E Pratt Street Suite 4100 Baltimore, MD 21202 310-526-3406



Lawyers at Kelly Guzzo, PLC selected for a Super Lawyers® list

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Firm Address

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500 Ala Moana Blvd.Suite 7400 Honolulu, HI 96813

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