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Chicago Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Litigation Lawyer
Sarah F. King is one Chicago's rising medical malpractice lawyers at the firm and one of the most hard-working, intelligent attorneys one can find. She works tirelessly to investigate and prepare complex medical malpractice cases to achieve justice for those who have been harmed by medical negligence. She works with a dedication and tenacity to get to the bottom of what actually happened and what proper practices should have been used to prevent injuries related to medical care. It is this passion that makes her one of today's top Chicago medical malpractice lawyers.
Sarah has had substantial trial experience as an attorney of record in many of the firm's trials. She has tried numerous medical malpractice cases and been involved in verdicts that resulted in millions of dollars for victims and their families. For example, Sarah second-chaired a trial with partner Bradley Cosgrove in a two-week trial involving the negligent prescription of Yasmin that gained international attention. A 37-year-old woman took the medication for less than two weeks and suffered a debilitating stroke. The jury awarded her $13.55 million in March, 2014. Sarah also tried a case alongside partner Keith Hebeisen, leader of the medical malpractice team at Clifford Law Offices, in November, 2013 that involved the wrongful death of a 33-year-old mother who sustained a massive hemorrhage during a c-section. Following a three-week trial, the jury returned a verdict of $15.55 million for the family. In January, 2013, Sarah tried another case with Hebeisen, and obtained a $2.225 million verdict for the wrongful death of a 31-week fetus.
While she was a full-time law student, Sarah served as a law clerk to Keith Hebeisen and Susan Capra. Having been mentored by two of the most respected and recognized medical malpractice lawyers in the state, Sarah understands what it takes to bring such complicated cases to trial, works up cases through analyzing the medical records, preparation of meticulous court pleadings, working with medical experts, and preparing her clients for every step of the litigation process. She has developed the highest level of skills as a Chicago medical malpractice attorney.
Sarah graduated from DePaul University College of Law Summa Cum Laude as a member of the top 5% of her class and was inducted into the Order of the Coif. She was a published member of the DePaul Law Review on post-death maintenance obligations and life insurance. She has published several articles, some of which have been published in national publications such as the highly regarded American Bar Association Litigation Journal. Sarah has also been recognized for her writing skills in law school, having received the CALI Award for Excellence in Trial Advocacy II, Legal Writing III and Commercial Paper. Sarah completed her undergraduate studies at Loyola University of Chicago where she received her Bachelor of Arts in English and Women's Studies.
Sarah has been involved in Women Everywhere: Partners in Service Project, which is a collaborative effort coordinating volunteer activities to help women and children through Chicago. www.weChicago.org. She also has been active in the Women's Bar Association of Illinois (WBAI) and Illinois Trial Lawyer's Association. She also devotes time to teach a course on Medical Malpractice as an adjunct professor at her alma mater, DePaul University College of Law.
Clifford Law Offices is proud to have Sarah King as part of its Chicago medical malpractice lawyer team as are the clients for whom she works.
About Sarah F. King
Practice Areas
- Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Litigation
- Medical Malpractice and Hospital Negligence
- Personal Injury
- Wrongful Death
Current Employment Position(s)
- Partner
Bar Admissions
- U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois
- Illinois, 2011
Other Affiliations
- Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) (Assembly Member, May 2016-Present)
- Women’s Bar Association (WBAI) (Newsletter, Legal Developments Section Editor, June 2012-2014, June 2016-Present)
- Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) (Board of Managers, 2015- Present)
- Women’s Bar Association of Illinois (WBAI) (Judicial Reception Planning Committee, 2014-2015)
- Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) (Women Everywhere, Planning Committee Delegate, 2013-Present)
- Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) (Young Lawyer’s Division, 2012-Present)
- Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA)
- Women’s Bar Association (WBAI)
- American Association for Justice (AAJ)
- Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA)
- Chicago Bar Association (CBA)
- American Bar Association (ABA)
- Co-Chair ITLA Women’s Caucus, 2017-present
- Young Lawyer’s Division, 2012-present
- Asst. Editor Medical Malpractice Trial Notebook, 2014-present
- Women's Bar Association of Illinois, Annual Dinner Committee, Newsletter, Legal Developments Section
- DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, Illinois, 2011
Honors: summa cum laude
Honors: Order of the Coif
Honors: DePaul Law Review
Honors: Dean’s List
Honors: Class Rank: Top 5%
Honors: CALI Award Recipient, Trial Advocacy II, Spring 2011
Honors: CALI Award Recipient, Commercial Paper, Spring 2011
Honors: CALI Award Recipient, Legal Analysis III, Fall 2009
Honors: Intramural Winner, ABA Client Counseling Competition, 2009
Honors: Alumnae Relations Coordinator, Women’s Law Caucus, 2009-2010 - Loyola University Chicago, 2008
Honors: English Honor’s & Dean’s List
Honors: Vice President, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 2007-2008
Honors: President, Panhellenic Council, 2006-2007
Major: English and Women’s Studies
Minor: Political Science
Past Positions
- Clifford Law Offices, Chicago, IL, Law Clerk, 2009 - 2011
- Law Offices of Alan D. Hoffenberg, Chicago, IL, Law Clerk, 2009
Pro Bono Activities
- Woman Everywhere: Partners in Service Project (“WE”), Planning Committee Co-Chair, 2014 - Present
- Woman Everywhere: Partners in Service Project (“WE”), Fundraising Chair, 2013-2014
- Woman Everywhere: Partners in Service Project (“WE”), ITLA Delegate, 2012 - Present
- Women Everywhere Partners in Service Project, Board Member (2016-present), Planning Committee Chair, 2014-present
Classes and Seminars
- Adjunct Professor, DePaul University School of Law, “Medical Malpractice Survey” Fall 2014
Other Sources of Feedback About Sarah F. King
Included on the 2025 Illinois Super Lawyers list
Past Lists
- 2024 Illinois Super Lawyers list
- 2023 Illinois Super Lawyers list
- 2022 Illinois Super Lawyers list
- 2021 Illinois Super Lawyers list
- 2020 Illinois Super Lawyers list
- 2019 Illinois Super Lawyers list
- 2018 Illinois Super Lawyers list
- 2017 Illinois Super Lawyers list
- 2016 Illinois Super Lawyers list
- Most Influential Women Lawyers in Chicago, Crain's Custom Media, 2017
- Super Lawyers Rising Stars, 2016 - 2017
- Chicago Law Bulletin’s Forty Under 40, 2015
- Leading Lawyers Emerging Lawyer, 2017
- Law Bulletin 40 Under 40, 2015
Office Information
120 North LaSalle Street36th Floor Chicago, IL 60602
- (312) 345-1565
- When Jurors Ask Questions, Litigation Journal, American Bar Association, Winter 2015
- Medical Malpractice Trial Notebook, Co-Editor, 2014-Present
- Res Ipsa Loquitor, Medical Malpractice Trial Notebook, Chapter 12, Author 2014
- The Power of Informed Consent, Trial Journal, Summer 2013 (with Keith A. Hebeisen)
- A Storyteller’s Apprentice, Litigation Journal, American Bar Association, Summer 2013
- Illinois Supreme Court Determines Allegations of Actual and Apparent Agency Are Not Separate Causes of Action for Purposes of Res Judicata, WBAI Newsletter, Spring 2013
- Women’s Preventative Services and The Affordable Care Act, WBAI Newsletter, Winter 2012
- The Privacy of a Mother’s Medical Information: A Correct Reading of El-Amin v. Dempsey Trial Journal, Summer 2012 (with Keith A. Hebeisen)
- Till’ Death Do Us Part or Otherwise Approved By the Court?: Interpreting the Language of §510(c) Regarding Post-Death Maintenance Obligations and Life Insurance, 60 DePaul L. Rev. 713 (2011)
- Medical Malpractice Trial Notebook, Research Assistant, 2010-2013
- What is Your Favorite Book? : Using Narrative to Teach Theme Development in Persuasive Writing, Mary Ann Becker, 46 Gonz. L. Rev. 575, Research Assistant 2010-2011
Representative Cases
- Fitzgerald v. Ingalls Memorial Hospital (October 2016) $2,500,000 Settlement
- Vandelinder v. Northwestern Memorial Hospital (August 2016) $3,300,000 Verdict
- Harper v. Ingalls Memorial Hospital (March 2016) $3,949,999 Settlement
- Buhs v. Gibson Community Hospital (December 2015) $950,000 Verdict (Ford County Record)
- Clemente v. Elmhurst Memorial Hospital (August 2015) $5,000,000 Settlement
- Cohen v. Rush Medical Center (March 2015) $1,820,000 Settlement
- Zapalski v. Aniol, M.D (March 2014) $13,550,000 Verdict
- Lopez v. University of Chicago (November 2013) $15,550,000 Verdict
- Novak v. Hinsdale Hospital (January 2013) $2,225,000 Verdict
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