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The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, Ltd. - Decatur, IL

132 South Water St.Suite 535 Decatur, IL 62523

Free Consultation

Updated: 11/11/2024

Decatur Motor Vehicle Accidents -- Plaintiff Law Firm


There are no two personal injury cases alike in Decatur, Illinois. At The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler and Associates, Ltd., we know that your situation is unique from our other clients, and we believe in customizing every strategy we put together and in working with you personally to determine what the best approach for your case is. For example, some people who have suffered an incident such as clergy abuse or nursing home neglect prefer to reach a settlement. In other cases such as medical malpractice or a drunk driving accident, it may be best to go to trial.


Further, your case is different because of the circumstances involved. To prove your claim, the team at our law offices take every measure necessary. We speak with medical experts, witnesses, law enforcement officers and anyone else whose testimony may be useful. In a workers’ compensation claim, we are able to cite studies about asbestos exposure or demonstrate how your injury is keeping you from making a living. Each of these steps is crucial in proving how your loss occurred, and who should compensate you for it.


Our attorneys at The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler and Associates, Ltd., have spent decades working through wrongful death claims, negotiating with insurance companies due to an uninsured driver and illustrating how a product endangered a consumer. We take those experiences and apply them to your case in Chicago, Champaign, Rockford or Springfield. For your convenience, we offer free initial consultation.

About The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, Ltd.

Practice Areas

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents -- Plaintiff
  • Personal Injury -- Plaintiff
  • Premises Liability - Plaintiff
  • Workers' Compensation Law
  • Wrongful Death - Plaintiff
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Product Liability
  • Clergy Abuse
  • Chemical Exposure
  • Mesothelioma


  • 100%


  • English (Primary)

Classes and Seminars

  • Managing a Small Law Firm in the 90's, Illinois State Bar Association
  • Personal Injury & Workers' Compensation, Teamsters Union;

Pro Bono Activities

  • Calvary Temple Christian Center
  • Various Indigent Clientel

Ancillary Businesses

  • Illinois Trial Lawyers Association Downstate Continuing Legal Education Chair, 2010 & 2011
  • Medical Negligence Committee; Products Liability Committee



  • Edward V. Crites, Managing Associate
  • Esther A. Sparks, Office Manager

Office Information


132 South Water St.Suite 535 Decatur, IL 62523


  • 217-698-0203

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 8am - 5:00pm

Other Offices

The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates (Main Office) 536 N. Bruns Lane Suite 1 Springfield, IL 62702 800-727-8010

The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, Ltd. 1600 Broadway Suite 2200 Denver, CO 80202 800-727-8010

The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, Ltd. 20 South Clark St. Suite 2200 Chicago, IL 60603 800-727-8010

The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, Ltd. 202 South Chicago Street Lincoln, IL 62656 217-735-5502

The Law Offices of Frederick W. Nessler & Associates, Ltd. 4320 Spring Creek Road Suite 1004 Rockford, IL 61107 217-698-0202




  • Who's Who in America
  • Board of Advocates Illinois Trial Lawyers Association


Representative Cases

  • Doe v. Physician & Hospital. Failure to Properly Observe Fetal Monitor & Diagnosis Fetal Distress. Result: $1.4 Million Awarded

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Firm Address

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132 South Water St.Suite 535 Decatur, IL 62523

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