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Rachel E. K. Legorreta - Naperville, IL

1730 Park St.Suite 201 Naperville, IL 60563

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 12/08/2022

Naperville Personal Injury- Plaintiff Lawyer


Rachel received her undergraduate degree from Northern Illinois University, where she obtained her bachelor's degree in Political Science, with double minors in Philosophy and History. In 2014, Rachel received the History Department's James R. Shirley Essay Prize for her research paper on the Soviet Union's gulag system.

After graduation, Rachel enrolled in Northern Illinois University's College of Law, where she served as the Symposium Editor for the Northern Illinois University Law Review and as Clerk for Phi Alpha Delta's Dooley Chapter. Her Law Review article, Battle for Baby: Proposed Legislation for Custody Battles over Frozen Pre-Embryos, was published in the Asia Pacific Health Law & Ethics Journal in 2016.

During law school, Rachel was selected as an APPLE Outreach Assistant and served as a judicial extern for the Honorable Judge Donald C. Hudson in the Illinois Appellate Court, Second District. As a judicial extern, Rachel researched case law and drafted judicial opinions on a variety of subjects, including armed robbery and criminal sentencing. Her experience as a judicial extern provided her with valuable training in legal writing and research.

Rachel joined the Law Offices of John J. Malm & Associates, P.C. as a law clerk in 2016. She earned her Juris Doctorate, magna cum laude, from Northern Illinois University College of Law in 2017, and became an associate attorney with the firm.

About Rachel E. K. Legorreta

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury- Plaintiff


  • Spanish


Bar Admissions

  • Illinois, 2017


  • Northern Illinois University College of Law, DeKalb, Illinois, 2017
    Honors: magna cum laude
    Law Review: Northern Illinois University Law Review, Symposium Editor, 2015 - 2017
  • Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, 2014
    Major: Political Science


Other Sources of Feedback About Rachel E. K. Legorreta

Included on the 2025 Illinois Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2024 Illinois Super Lawyers list
  • 2023 Illinois Super Lawyers list
  • 2022 Illinois Super Lawyers list
  • 2021 Illinois Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Rachel E. K. Legorreta on Super Lawyers


Office Information


1730 Park St.Suite 201 Naperville, IL 60563


  • 630-527-4178



  • Battle for Baby: Proposed Legislation for Custody Battles over Frozen Pre-Embryos, Asia Pacific Health Law & Ethics Journal, 2016

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1730 Park St.Suite 201 Naperville, IL 60563

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