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Drew Ferracuti - Ottawa, IL

1029 La Salle St. Ottawa, IL 61350

Updated: 05/29/2020

Ottawa Workers' Compensation Lawyer


Throughout his career, Attorney Drew Ferracuti has remained a fierce advocate for protecting injured workers rights. He has traveled to the Illinois State Capital in Springfield to speak with lawmakers and fight against proposed changes to laws that aim to reduce benefits for injured workers under the Illinois Workers' Compensation Act.

At the request of a local supervising Judge, Attorney Drew Ferracuti has had the honor of instructing local residents in the “People’s Law School.” This program is hosted at Illinois Valley Community College and it provides an opportunity for citizens to learn about various aspects of the law and ask questions in a town hall style format.

Attorney Drew Ferracuti also participates in the annual Career Day at local high schools, providing information about the law as a profession and discussing how to prepare for law school while in college.

He has served on the local Board of the Salvation Army and Easter Seals of Northeastern LaSalle County. He sponsors organizations such as the "Shop with a Cop", the Laborer's Local 393 Annual Christmas Food Basket Fundraiser, Ottawa Township High School and Marquette Academy Booster Clubs. Attorney Drew Ferracuti also sponsors Prairie State Legal Services, a charitable not-for-profit legal organization. Drew has also volunteered at the Illinois Valley PADS homeless shelter.

He has coached various local youth sports teams. In addition, he sponsors local youth sports organizations such as the Ottawa Girls Fastpitch Association, Ottawa American Little League and Wedron Wildfire Girls Fastpitch.

Drew was born and raised in Ottawa, IL, and currently resides there with his wife Lisa and their four children; Luke, Miah, Collin and Austin. When he can, he enjoys attending their extracurricular activities. He cherishes the family time they spend together in Northern Wisconsin, boating, fishing, snowmobiling and skiing.

About Drew Ferracuti


  • English (Primary)

Practice Areas

  • Workers' Compensation
  • Personal Injury
  • Auto Accidents
  • Wrongful Death


Bar Admissions

  • Illinois, 1987
  • U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois, 1989

Other Affiliations

  • Illinois Workers' Compensation Lawyers Association, Ltd.
  • LaSalle County Bar Association


  • Southern Illinois University School of Law, Carbondale, Illinois, 1987
  • University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1984
  • Ottawa Township High School, Ottawa, Illinois, 1980

Office Information


1029 La Salle St. Ottawa, IL 61350


  • 815-433-1931

Office Hours

Monday - Saturday : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, Sunday : Closed

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