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Bryan L. Ciyou - Indianapolis, IN

320 N. Meridian St.Suite 600 Indianapolis, IN 46204

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Updated: 12/15/2023

Indianapolis Family Law Lawyer


Attorney Bryan L. Ciyou, an Eagle Scout, lives each day on the bedrock principle of the Boy Scout Motto, "Be Prepared." This way of life - his mantra - was then forged on the anvil of hardships endured during his significant humanitarian aid work in places like Haiti and Central America. In these countries, making a plan and executing it, and always being prepared, was not a choice but a necessity in order to survive daily life. A few years later, Mr. Ciyou attended Indiana University, Indianapolis, completing the honors program and graduating with a bachelor of arts, with distinction, in 1991; and from its law school with a doctor of jurisprudence, cum laude, in 1994. Mr. Ciyou then entered the private practice of law in 1994.

With his diverse life experiences and academic successes, Mr. Ciyou brings to the table, in every legal matter he handles, deft organizational and leadership skills. And he has a strong moral compass, personal values and integrity, along with relentless drive - the keys to his success as a lawyer.

Professionally, Mr. Ciyou has extensive civil trial and appellate practice experience, having briefed and orally argued cases before the Indiana Court of Appeals and Indiana Supreme Court. Further, Mr. Ciyou has researched, drafted, and filed Certiorari Petitions with the United States Supreme Court. Other professional interests include complex domestic relations, litigation, and business law.

Mr. Ciyou is also a prolific writer, publishing a number of professional articles each year; and he is sought after as a frequent presenter and lecturer for continuing education for other lawyers and other professionals. Mr. Ciyou's written works and speaking topics range from the legal aspects of safety and security in the workplace, alternative dispute resolution, and complex domestic relations.

About Bryan L. Ciyou

Practice Areas

  • Family Law
  • Appellate Practice


Bar Admissions

  • Indiana, 1994
  • U.S. Tax Court, 2014
  • U.S. Supreme Court, 2014
  • U.S. Court of Appeals 7th Circuit, 2014
  • U.S. District Court Northern District of Indiana, 2014
  • U.S. District Court Southern District of Indiana, 1994
  • Supreme Court of Indiana, 2014


  • Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1994
    Honors: cum laude
    Honors: Phi Delta Phi
    Honors: Norris Inn Legal Fraternity), 1992 Valparasio University School of Law.
    Honors: Honor Paper, Torts I, 1991 Valparaiso University School of Law, Indiana.
  • Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1991
    Honors: With Distinction
    Honors: Dean's List. Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha Oratory Honors Fraternity 1990.
    Honors: Rhodes' Scholarship Nominee, 1990.
    Honors: Vice President of the Student Body, 1989-90.
    Honors: Vice President of the Intercollegiate Debate Team, 1989-90.
    Honors: Research Grant Recipient of $2,500 to Study "The Application of Information Theory to Communication Theory," 1989.

Past Positions

  • Indiana University, School of Business, Adjunct Professor, Columbus, Indiana. Course Taught: Commercial Law I, - 1998
  • Indiana University, Honors Program, Faculty, Indianapolis, Indiana. Position: Teacher of Law to Gifted and Talented High School Students, - 1997
  • Indiana University, Honors Program, Faculty, Indianapolis, Indiana., Teacher of Law to Gifted and Talented High School Students, - 1996
  • Indiana University, Honors Program, Faculty, Indianapolis, Indiana., Teacher of Law to Gifted and Talented High School Students., - 1993
  • Judith N. Stimson & Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana, Law Clerk & Associate Attorney, Family Law, 1993 - 1995
  • Johnson County Prosecutor's Office, Franklin, Indiana, Law Clerk, Sex Crimes, 1992 - 1993
  • Newby, Lewis, Kaminski & Jones, LaPorte, Indiana, Law Clerk, Insurance Defense, - 1992
  • Marion County Public Defender Agency, Appellate Division
  • Ciyou & Dixon, P.C.

Classes and Seminars

  • Commercial Law I, Adjunct Professor, Indiana University, School of Business, 1998
  • Teacher of Law to Gifted and Talented High School Students, Indiana University, Honors Program, Faculty, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1997
  • Teacher of Law to Gifted and Talented High School Students, Indiana University, Honors Program, Faculty, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1996
  • Teacher of Law to Gifted and Talented High School Students, Indiana University, Honors Program, Faculty, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1993
  • Presentation, Annua Meeting Speaker, trends in state and federal law, deadly force, and constitutional developments, Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association, October 5, 2011
  • Presentation, Gust Lecturer at request of Sen. Jim Tomes, Indiana firearms law summary, 2nd Amendment Patriot meeting, June 25, 2011 - Present
  • Presentation, Guest Lecturer on national gun trends (UN Small Arms Treaty), deadly force (Indiana), and Indiana law post passage of SB 292 (Indiana pre-emption), Massad Ayoob Group, MAG/40, June 19, 2011
  • Presentation, Guest Lecturer on Deadly Force Concepts, SB 292 (preemption) and 506 (License exceptions), ISC Barnes case (no right to resist unlawful entry by law enforcement into dwelling), Atlanta Conservation Club, May 16, 2011
  • Presentation, Guest Lecturer on Deadly Force Concepts and Recent Legislation (SB 292 and 506), Indianapolis, Indiana, Indy Gun Safety and Indy Gun Owners Members, May 5, 2011
  • Presentation, Guest Lecturer on Indiana firearms laws and trends, Greenwood, Indiana, Hoosier Ravens (Gunsite Alumana), December 4, 2010 - Present
  • Presentation, Guest Lecturer on Indiana firearms law and trends, Indianapolis, Indiana, American Society of Industrial Security, Indianapolis, Monthly Luncheon, July 23, 2010
  • Presentation, Guest Speaker on Indiana’s statute Ind.Code § 34-28-7 (legislation to allow employee’s to maintain lawfully possessed firearms in their vehicles, despite company policy, effective July 1, 2010), Indianapolis, Indiana, American Society of Industrial Security, June 23, 2010
  • Presentation, Guest Speaker on Indiana’s current and developing state of firearms law, Atlanta, Indiana, Atlanta Conversation Club, April 21, 2009
  • Presentation, Guest Speaker on Indiana’s pending legislation of Senate Bill 11 (allowing firearms lawfully possessed to be maintained by an employee in his/her vehicle locked at work), Indianapolis, Indiana, American Society of Industrial Security, February 25, 2009
  • Presentation, Guest Lecturer on Indiana firearms law, Rochester, Indiana, Massad F. Ayoob’s Lethal Force Institute, LFI I, May 10, 2008
  • Presentation, Guest Lecturer on Indiana firearms law and trends, Greenwood, Indiana, Hoosier Ravens (Gunsite Alumnae), March 2, 2008
  • Presentation, Guest Lecturer on Indiana firearms law and trends, Indianapolis, Indiana, American Society of Industrial Security, Indianapolis, Monthly Luncheon, July 26, 2007
  • Presentation, Guest Lecturer on Indiana firearms law, Rochester, Indiana, John S. Farnam’s Defense Training International, Inc., May 18, 2007
  • Presentation, Guest Lecturer on Indiana firearms law, Rochester, Indiana, Massad F. Ayoob's Lethal Force Institute, LFI I, May 18, 2007


Other Sources of Feedback About Bryan L. Ciyou

Included on the 2025 Indiana Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2024 Indiana Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Bryan L. Ciyou on Super Lawyers


  • Martindale-Hubbell, BV Rated, 1997 - 2014
  • Mill No. 9, Board of Directors, President, 2006 - 2007
  • Mill No. 9 (large Indianapolis Condominium Re-Development Complex), Board of Directors, Secretary, 2005 - 2006
  • Eagle Scout, 1983


Office Information


320 N. Meridian St.Suite 600 Indianapolis, IN 46204


  • 317-643-6000

Accepts Credit Cards




  • "What Family Court Judges Want You to Know", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 2nd, 2012
  • "Family Law from A to Z", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, December 6, 2011
  • "Effective Use of Custody Evaluations in Divorce", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 12, 2011
  • "Effective ADR Strategies for Indiana Attorneys", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, September 30, 2011
  • "Low-Cost Legal Tech for Your Law Practice", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, September 13, 2011
  • "Your Family Law Practice in the 21st Century,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 2, 2011
  • "Handling Divorce Cases from Start to Finish,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 11, 2011
  • "Essential Law Practice Management,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 21, 2011
  • "Child Custody Procedures: Form by Form,", National Business Institute, February 4, 2011
  • "Effective ADR Strategies for Indiana Attorneys,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, September 24, 2010
  • "Financial Settlements and Support Issues in Divorce,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 19, 2010
  • "Current Events for Family Lawyers: Legislative and Case Law Update,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 12, 2010
  • "Advanced Issues in Divorce,", National Business Institute, Merrillville, Indiana, February 4, 2010
  • "Advanced Issues in Divorce,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana,, February 5, 2010
  • "Your Family Law Practice in the 21st Century,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 5, 2009
  • "Family Law: Helping Your Clients Through Difficult Cases,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 2, 2008
  • "Child Custody and Shared Parenting,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 7, 2008
  • "The New Litigator’s Guide to Trial Practice,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, February 28, 2008
  • "Divorce Fundamentals from A-Z: Working Toward a Reasonable Settlement,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, February 19, 2008
  • "Family Law: Helping Your Clients Through Difficult Cases,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 17, 2007
  • "Child Custody and Shared Parenting in Indiana,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 4, 2006
  • "Child Custody and Shared Parenting in Indiana,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 1, 2005
  • "The Art of Settlement in Indiana: How to Get the Results You Want,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, December 16, 2004
  • "Complex Issues in Divorce for the Indiana Practitioner,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, December 2, 2004
  • "Complex Issues in Divorce for the Indiana Practitioner,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 22, 2003
  • "Paralegals in Family Law Practice in Indiana,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 26, 2003
  • "Child Custody and Shared Parenting in Indiana,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, January 21, 2003
  • "Complex Divorce Issues for the Indiana Practitioner,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 7, 2002
  • "Family Law in Indiana,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 16, 2001
  • "Child Custody and Visitation in Indiana,", National Business Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana, December 18, 2000
  • "Violence and Disaster in the Workplace: Are You Prepared?,", Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, Indiana, August, 1997
  • "Getting Paid,", Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, Indianapolis, Indiana, April, 1996
  • "Advanced Directives: The Basics,", Paoli Right to Life Counsel, Paoli, Indiana, May, 1995
  • "HCFA's Final Rule: Basic Legal Issues,", University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1995
  • Indiana Firearms Law Reference Manual, CDPC, 3rd Edition, 2010
  • Indiana Handgun Law, MPI, 2nd Edition, 2007
  • "Child Custody and Joint or Shared Parenting in Alabama", National Business Institute, May 3, 2005
  • Indiana Handgun Law, CDPC, 2005
  • "Workplace Emergencies: Are You Ready for Disaster or Violence in the Workplace?,", American Survival Guide, January, 1998
  • "When to Advise Your Client to Consult a Bankruptcy Attorney,", 10 American Journal of Family Law 167, 1996
  • "Representing the Abused Spouse in Child Custody Litigation,", 9 American Journal of Family Law 113, 1995
  • "Divorce Law in the 1990s,", Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, August, 1995

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By Kirk W. on Jan. 28, 2023
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

Bryan L. Ciyou is hands down one of the finest family law lawyers in Indiana. He saved me a lot of grief in the past through his legal representation and is always my go to when I need legal advice. I'll be perfectly honest when I say, I don't trust lawyers, but Bryan is Trustworthy, Upstanding, Honest, and Reliable! He is a keeper of the torch for integrity and honesty in the justice system. You won't go wrong with Bryan Ciyou. Don't hesitate calling him.


Quality Of Service

Professional Competence

By Anonymous on Feb. 01, 2023
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

Bryan navigated my family through a case that was very stressful. He put tireless hours. Which prevailed when our case won.

By Kim F. on Jan. 30, 2023
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

Bryan Ciyou took over a complex custody case for my family and was able to get the outcome we hoped for. Bryan and his firm were very responsive to us and made themselves available to us when we needed them.

By Adam H. on Jan. 26, 2023
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

Bryan Ciyou has helped us solve a few key business law issues and we could not be more pleased with their creativity in solving problems and the tenacity to get it done the right way. It is a breath of fresh air working with a firm that actually listens, plans and creates strategies around your goals! I highly recommend Bryan and his team and if the need arises, we will definitely use them again.


Quality Of Service

Professional Competence

By Andrew T. on Jan. 06, 2023
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

Bryan and his team have successfully helped my family with several issues over the years. We can always count on Bryan to have our back.


Quality Of Service

Professional Competence

By Michael G. on Jan. 06, 2023
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

Bryan took over my case from my previous attorney and got the outcome my children and I hoped for. Very aggressive advocate.

By Casey N. on Jun. 05, 2024

0.5 out of 5 stars

Ate up 5k in a retainer in less than 30 days, granted and I acknowledge that was including $900 in travel fees which I knew was coming, but wanted another 5k right away and we haven't even got close to doing anything for this case outside of a standard hearing. Will probably be a good firm for those with the ability to keep a 5k per month going, however, for us small people with complex cases, not so much. The low rating is due to the rudeness of the office staff, the firm administrator, Lori. No one should be short and rude with a client and hang up when talking mid thought.


Quality Of Service

Professional Competence

By Anonymous on Aug. 15, 2019

0.5 out of 5 stars

Hired for child custody case. Bryan charged me $12,000 for 6 weeks he was on the case to bring him up to speed basically, then quit. Blames the victim even more than the system already has. Not trained in parental alienation. Not thorough! Wanted me to have a parental assessment from a biased PhD that already put me in this situation years ago and a PhD had to counteract that evaluation. Over Promises. Under delivers. Doesn’t care about kids in the least living with drug and alcohol convicts or breaking laws and doing poor in school. Its all about the $$$ with this atty!


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320 N. Meridian St.Suite 600 Indianapolis, IN 46204

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