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Patrick C. Shea - Henderson, KY
One South Main StreetP.O. Box 19 Henderson, KY 42419 - 0019
Trimble, Lindsay & Shea
Updated: 08/01/2024
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Henderson Criminal Defense - Felonies & Misdemeanors - State & Federal Court - Trafficking & Manufacturing Offenses - DUI/DWI - Traffic Violations Lawyer
About Patrick C. Shea
Practice Areas
- Criminal Defense - Felonies & Misdemeanors - State & Federal Court - Trafficking & Manufacturing Offenses - DUI/DWI - Traffic Violations
- Real Estate - Deeds - Title Searches - Title Opinions - Closings - Title Insurance
- Family/Domestic Law - Divorce - Child Custody/Visitation - Child Support
- Business & Corporate Law - Business Formation - LLC Formation - Corporate Formation
- Probate & Estates - Probate Administration - Wills - Powers of Attorney - Living Wills - Trusts
Bar Admissions
- Kentucky, 1990
- U.S. District Court Western District of Kentucky
- University of Kentucky College of Law, Lexington, Kentucky, 1990
Juris Doctor - University of Kentucky, 1987
Major: Accounting
Office Information
One South Main StreetP.O. Box 19 Henderson, KY 42419 - 0019
Accepts Credit Cards
Office Hours
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Closed 12:00 - 1:00) Monday thru Friday
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