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Derek Patrick O'Bryan - Louisville, KY

600 West Main Street, Suite 500 Louisville, KY 40202

Updated: 02/18/2024

Louisville Medical Malpractice Lawyer


Derek P. O'Bryan was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. After graduating from Saint Xavier High School, he attended the University of Kentucky and graduated with distinction in 1993, obtaining a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology. After pursuing a career in areas outside of the law, Derek decided to turn his talents to practicing law and received a scholarship to attend the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville.

Derek excelled in law school making the Dean's List all six semesters. He graduated Magna Cum Laude and ranked within the top five percent of his graduating class. Not only was Derek a member of the Brandeis Law Journal, he was also a member of the Brandeis Society which is the most prestigious honor society at the law school. During his time in law school, Derek received many honors including ten book awards. A book award is an honor a student is given for receiving the highest grade in an individual class. Derek was also a finalist in the Pirtle-Washer Oral Advocacy competition held annually at the Brandeis School of Law.

After graduation, Derek practiced in the area of workers' compensation at Clark and Ward and then headed the workers' compensation department at Sheffer Law Firm. While at Sheffer Law Firm, Derek litigated numerous workers' compensation cases and was responsible for all aspects of the litigation including matters appealed to the Supreme Court. He also practiced medical malpractice cases.

Derek continued to litigate cases involving many aspects of civil litigation when he practiced at Sewell, O'Brien & Neal. Although Derek primarily represented defendants in the past, he felt a higher calling and decided to represent the interests of individuals who were injured or harmed by others when he joined the Bolus Law Office in February 2012.

Derek currently focuses his practice in the areas of workers' compensation, employment and discrimination law, personal injury, medical malpractice and general civil litigation. He is admitted to practice law in all courts of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as well as U.S. District Court, Eastern and Western Districts of Kentucky.

Derek continues to live in Louisville with his wife and family. He can be contacted by telephone at (502)584-1210 or by e-mail at

About Derek Patrick O'Bryan

Practice Areas

  • Medical Malpractice
  • Personal Injury
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Employment
  • Discrimination
  • General Litigation


  • 100%

Representative Clients

  • Burroughs v. Martco, 339, s.w.3d 461 (KY2011)
  • Ellis v. Rightmeyer, 2010 Ky. App. Unpub Lexis 34
  • Ramsey v Sayre Christian Village Nursing Home, 239 S.W.3d 56 (KY 2007)
  • Henson v. Klein, 319, s.w.3d 413 (KY 2010)


Bar Admissions

  • Kentucky, 2003
  • U.S. District Court Eastern District of Kentucky, 2003
  • U.S. District Court Western District of Kentucky, 2003

Other Affiliations

  • Kentucky Bar Association, 2003 - Present (Member)
  • Louisville Bar Association, 2003 - Present (Member)

Classes and Seminars

  • Worker's Compensation Case Preparation Techniques, NBI, - 2006

Past Positions

  • Clark & Ward, Attorney, 2003 - 2004
  • Sheffer Law Firm, Attorney, 2004 - 2008
  • Sewell, O'Brien & Neal, PLLC, Attorney, 2008 - 2012


  • Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, 2003
    Honors: magna cum laude
  • University of Kentucky, 1993
    Honors: With Distinction

Fraternities and Sororities

  • Sigma Nu

Office Information


600 West Main Street, Suite 500 Louisville, KY 40202


  • 502-584-1212



  • Law Review, 2001 - 2002

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By Anonymous on May. 12, 2020

5.0 out of 5 stars

Derek O'Bryan was my atorney three different times, and he won all three cases. Derek is one of Louisville's best attorneys. He is honest, hard working, very intelligent, and he's compassionate. Derek truly cares about his clients and their families. If you've been injured at work (Workers Compensation), having trouble with your job/employer (Discrimination), or maybe you were injured in some way (Personal Injury), I would call Derek first. He helped us, and I know Derek will help you too!


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