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Todd E. Lutsky Esq., LLM - Waltham, MA

400 Fifth AvenueSuite 400 Waltham, MA 02451

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 08/22/2024

Waltham Estate Plans Lawyer


Todd E. Lutsky joined Cushing & Dolan P.C. in 1995 initially concentrating in the preparation of estate plans, including the use of revocable trusts, joint trusts, irrevocable life insurance trusts, qualified personal residence trusts, and family limited partnerships. He has since expanded his practice to include business planning through the use of Massachusetts limited liability companies, Delaware series limited liability companies, sales of assets to an intentionally defective grantor trust, cross purchase agreements, stock redemption agreements, deferred compensation agreements, and spousal lifetime access trusts. He has further expanded his practice to include Medicaid and asset protection planning for the elderly, assisting clients with the Medicaid application, preparation and eligibility process of obtaining MassHealth benefits, fair hearings, and advanced Medicaid planning and the preservation of assets through the use of grantor irrevocable income only trusts.

Mr. Lutsky graduated from the University of Toledo School of Law in 1991 and obtained a Master's Degree in Taxation from the Boston University School of Law in 1992. He joined the public sector as a tax attorney with the international accounting firm of Price Waterhouse LLP. He is also a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and the Boston Estate Planning Council, and is co-founder of the Boston Chapter of the National Aging in Place Council. He was named a Five Star Wealth Manager in 2015 and 2016 and a Super Lawyer in 2017.

Mr. Lutsky also provided his expertise from 1998-2013 as the co-host on a nationally syndicated live call-in radio talk show entitled Money Matters in which he answered questions and provided information on all aspects of estate and asset protection planning; trust planning; estate, gift, and income tax issues; elder law; Medicaid application preparation and elder law planning; and Medicaid eligibility matters.

In 2013, Mr. Lutsky was given the opportunity to host his own radio show called The Legal Exchange with Todd Lutsky, a talk show that allows Todd to provide a more in-depth discussion on estate and asset protection planning, estate, gift tax, and elder law issues. The show can be heard every Saturday at 4:00 PM on WRKO 680AM and on four other local stations. The show will continue to focus on educating the public on estate, gift, and income tax planning matters; asset protection; and Medicaid eligibility matters while addressing actual cases from around the country dealing with these issues.

In 2015, Mr. Lutsky was asked to do another radio show called The Real Life Stories of The Legal Exchange in which Todd explains situations that he has encountered during his career and provides estate and elder law planning answers to help others avoid the same problems and/or traps for the unwary. The goal is to educate Americans one story at a time.

Mr. Lutsky is a regular speaker for Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Foundation for Continuing Education, Massachusetts Association of Accountants, Mass Society of Enrolled Agents, Massachusetts Chapter of National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, National Business Institute, and several other organizations and associations on such topics as:

Medicaid Update generally addressing elder law planning techniques and most recent cases and developments in the elder law arena

Estate Planning for the Moderate Estate - MCLE, MAA, and MSEA

Preparing Federal and Massachusetts Estate Tax Returns - MCLE

Basic Estate Planning Essentials with a Form 706 Example - FCE

Fiduciary Income Tax Returns for Estates and Trusts - FCE and MAA

Income Tax Refresher which included information on the 1997 tax reform act - FCE

Tax Issues Associated With Divorce - FCE

Medicaid Planning Update, A Survival Guide - FCE

Mr. Lutsky has also spoken several times for the Advanced Legal Studies at Suffolk Law School on topics such as, Fundamentals of Elder Law and Special Needs Law, and the use of trusts to combine both estate and asset protection planning at the same time.

Finally, Mr. Lutsky writes extensively in the estate planning field and is published in the Estate Planning Journal. Mr. Lutsky is also a lecturer in law at the Boston University Law School Graduate Tax Program.

Mr. Lutsky's written materials include:

Irrevocable Trusts Not As Frightening As You Might Think - an article authored by Mr. Lutsky and published in the July/August 2002 edition of the PanAm Clipper Magazine

  • Medicaid Update - frequent contributing author - MCLE
  • Medicaid Planning Update, A Survival Guide - frequent contributing author - FCE
  • Basic Estate Planning Essentials with a Form 706 Example - frequent contributing author - FCE
  • Estate Planning for the Moderate Estate - contributing co-author MCLE
  • Monthly educational articles on a variety of estate and Medicaid planning matters along with gift and income tax issues used in conjunction with his radio show
  • Drafting the Perfect Income Only Irrevocable Trust, Estate Planning Magazine

About Todd E. Lutsky Esq., LLM

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Attorney

Practice Areas

  • Estate Plans
  • Revocable Trusts
  • Joint Trusts
  • Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts
  • Personal Residence Trusts
  • Family Limited Partnerships
  • Medicaid Planning
  • Elder Law Planning
  • Irrevocable Medicaid Trusts
  • Limited Liability Companies


Bar Admissions

  • Pennsylvania, 1992
  • Massachusetts, 1992

Other Affiliations

  • National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (Member)
  • Boston Estate Planning Council (Member)
  • National Aging In Place Council (Member)
  • ProVisors

Classes and Seminars

  • Speaker, "Medicaid Update", Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education
  • Speaker, "Estate Planning for the Moderate Estate", Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education
  • Speaker, "Preparing Federal and Massachusetts Estate Tax Returns", Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education
  • Speaker, "Basic Estate Planning Essentials with a Form 706 Example", Foundation for Continuing Education
  • Speaker, "Fiduciary Income Tax Returns for Estates and Trusts", Foundation for Continuing Education
  • Speaker, "Annual Elder Law Institute", Suffolk University Law School
  • Speaker, "Income Tax Refresher", Foundation for Continuing Education
  • Speaker, "Medicaid Planning Update, A Survival Guide", Foundation for Continuing Education

Past Positions

  • Price Waterhouse LLP, Tax Attorney


  • Boston University School of Law, Boston, Massachusetts, 1992
    Major: Taxation
  • University of Toledo College of Law, Toledo, Ohio, 1991


Accepts Credit Cards


Published Works

  • Irrevocable Trusts Not As Frightening As You Might Think, PanAm Clipper Magazine, July/August, 2002
  • Medicaid Update
  • Medicaid Planning Update, A Survival Guide
  • Basic Estate Planning Essentials with a 706 Example
  • Estate Planning for the Moderate Estate, Co-Author
  • Drafting the Perfect Irrevocable Income Only Trust, Estate Planning Magazine

Office Information


400 Fifth AvenueSuite 400 Waltham, MA 02451


  • 617-523-5653 (Main Fax)
  • 781-314-1061 (Direct Fax)


Other Sources of Feedback About Todd E. Lutsky

Included on the 2024 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2023 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list
  • 2022 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list
  • 2021 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list
  • 2020 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list
  • 2019 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list
  • 2018 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list
  • 2017 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list

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