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Law Office of Barbara J. Gislason - Fridley, MN

7362 University Avenue NE, Suite 120 Fridley, MN 55432

Updated: 02/03/2025

Fridley Family Law Firm


At the vanguard of legal excellence in Anoka County and the greater Twin Cities region, the Law Office of Barbara J. Gislason in Fridley, Minnesota, is synonymous with unparalleled legal acumen and a holistic approach to advocacy. I am Barbara J. Gislason, an attorney whose name carries over thirty years of high-caliber experience and a globally acknowledged reputation founded on respect, profound knowledge, and unwavering commitment to the law.

My practice spans a diverse spectrum of legal fields, including family law, animal law, art and entertainment law, and intellectual property law, and is informed by a deep reservoir of experience and a keen understanding of the intricacies of each case. My approach is tailored to recognize the human aspects of legal disputes, ensuring that my clients are provided with strategic legal advice coupled with compassionate support in their most challenging moments.

As a seasoned negotiator and a tenacious litigator, I have adeptly steered more than 3,000 family law cases through the legal landscapes of 25 Minnesota counties. My representation is characterized by a relentless pursuit of justice, whether it's through the nuanced avenues of mediation or the rigorous demands of trial litigation. My singular aim is to deliver the most favorable results for my clients.

My influence extends beyond domestic matters, as I am globally celebrated for pioneering the field of animal law. I have been at the forefront of shaping the legal discourse on animal rights and welfare, advocating for the recognition of animals as entities deserving of civil rights and due process. As the first leader of the American Bar Association's Animal Law Committee and the Animal Disaster Relief Network, as well as the initiator of Minnesota's Animal Law Committee and Section, my work has made a significant impact on animal rights around the globe.

Enlisting my representation is more than a choice—it's an assurance of legal expertise and a promise of the most advantageous outcome. I am pleased to offer complimentary initial consultations for family law inquiries and provide reduced fees for consultations in animal law matters.

About Law Office of Barbara J. Gislason

Practice Areas

  • Family Law 65%
  • Animal Law (including civil and criminal litigation) 30%
  • Art and Entertainment/Intellectual Property Law 5%


  • 65%


  • English

Classes and Seminars

  • Health Science, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Legal Frameworks: What is the Future? (2019), Union Internationale des Avocats 63rd Congress
  • Dog Bites and Other Animal Liability Matters (2018), NBI, Inc. Webcast
  • Animal Custody/Ownership Disputes (2018), NBI, Inc. Webcast
  • Pet Custody Issues in Divorce Cases (2018), MN-CLE
  • Pet Law and Custody for the Union Internationale des Avocats (2018), Juriste International (International Association of Lawyers)
  • Gene Editing, Portable Toilets, and World Security: Target and Off-Target Consequences (2018), Union Internationale des Avocats 62nd Congress
  • Animal Law Series: Animal Cruelty – Old and New Perspectives (2017), MN-CLE Webcast
  • The Shark, Artificial Intelligence, and the Deep Blue Sea: The Unfolding of Legal Quandaries (2017), Union Internationale des Avocats 61st Congress
  • Pet Custody Disputes: The Replevin Action (2017), NBI, Inc. Webcast
  • Torts, the Family Dog, and Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium (2017), NBI, Inc. Webcast
  • Leaving Your Pets in Good Hands: How to Successfully Draft a Pet Trust (2017), Minnesota State Bar Association Probate and Trust Section and Animal Law Section CLE
  • Animal Sentience and Welfare: A 21st Century Perspective (2016), Union Internationale des Avocats Seminar in Hefei, China
  • 3D Printing Neurons: A Party in the Brain and Neurosecurity: Cyborgs and Where Is My Mind? (2016), Union Internationale des Avocats 60th Congress
  • Influencing Young Minds Through Cognitive Enhancement: The Power, the Glory, and the Loss of Self (2016), American Bar Association Section of International Law Spring Meeting
  • Individualized Medicine, Monsters, and the Mind: Lawyers as Gatekeepers (2015), Union Internationale des Avocats 59th Congress
  • Pet Ownership Rights and Disputes (2015), NBI, Inc. Webcast
  • Dog Law (2015), NBI, Inc. Webcast
  • Food Safety, Nanoparticles & Willful Ignorance: Challenges & Opportunities for Biotechnology & Tort Lawyers (2014), Union Internationale des Avocats 58th Congress
  • The Future of the Mind in Law and Science (2013), Union Internationale des Avocats 57th Congress
  • Right to Medical Treatment (2012), Union Internationale des Avocats 56th Congress
  • Human Hybrids and Chimeras: Exploring the Implications of Biobanks and Pluripotent Cells with Regard to Species Integrity and National Security (2011), Union Internationale des Avocats 55th Congress
  • The Animal and the Gene: Green Lighting the Dark Side of Innovation (2011), Mid-Atlantic Regional Animal Law Symposium

Pro Bono Activities

  • Aid Across Borders - President, 2023 - Present

Representative Clients

  • Health Care Professionals (Family Law)
  • Corporate Employees (Family Law)
  • Animal Owners (Animal Law)




Office Information


7362 University Avenue NE, Suite 120 Fridley, MN 55432


  • 763-571-1576

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.





Lawyers at Law Office of Barbara J. Gislason selected for a Super Lawyers® list


  • Excellence in the Advancement of Animal Law Award, 2024 - Present
  • Selected to Minnesota Super Lawyers - Barbara J. Gislason - 1994, 1996 - 2002, 2006 - 2009
  • Monique Raynaud-Contamine Scientific Award, Union Internationale des Avocats
  • Presidential Gold Medal from President Jorge Marti Moreno, Union Internationale des Avocats
  • Outstanding State Chair Award, American Bar Foundation
  • Fellow, American Bar Foundation
  • Outstanding Recognition Award, American Bar Association Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section
  • Fellow, American Bar Association Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section
  • Outstanding Achievement in Animal Law Award, American Bar Association Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section
  • Two Committee Chair Awards, American Bar Association Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section
  • Two Exceptional Leadership/Outstanding Achievement Awards, Minnesota State Bar Association
  • Law Student Division Regional Award, American Bar Association



  • Understanding Pet Custody Law: Trends in Animal Law Jurisprudence, Bench & Bar of Minnesota, 2019
  • Pet Custody is the Next Big Wave, American Bar Association International Animal Law Committee Newsletter, 2019
  • Pet Law and Custody: Establishing a Worthy and Equitable Jurisprudence for the Evolving Family, ABA Book Publishing, 2017
    The book explores the cultural role of animals in our lives, asks important questions regarding our treatment of animals, and discusses how the law should be applied in a manner that is in the best interests of both humans and animals.
  • Recent Developments in Animal Law: Leading Lawyers on Complying with Evolving Regulations and Overcoming Animal Righs Challenges, Bob Barker Animal Rights Law Collection, 2015
  • Human Hybrids and Chimeras: Exploring the Implications of Biobanks and Pluripotent Cells with Regard to Species Integrity and National Security, Mid-Atlantic Journal on Law and Public Policy, Volume 2, Number 1 (Fall), 2013
  • Humans and Great Apes: A Search for Truth and Ethical Principles (co-authored with Mercedes Meyer), Michigan State University College of Law Journal of Animal and Natural Resource Law, Vol. 8, 2012

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By Anonymous on Sep. 19, 2022
Verified Client

5.0 out of 5 stars

I hired Ms. Gislason for two different cases and I have been extremely impressed by her professionalism. Ms. Gislason is someone who is compassionate, truth seeker, passionate, diligent and extremely resourceful! She is a women that understands what you are looking to accomplish and she is going to go above and beyond for you as your lawyer! If you are serious about hiring someone that will step up to the fullest and get the results that you are looking for Ms. Gislason is YOUR NEXT LAWYER! Hiring her the first time was the best decision I made and the second time I retained her as my lawyer was the second best decision I made. I hired her for my divorce and an order of protection. The staff and Ms. Gislason will advocate for you and get you results!

Call us at 763-220-2983

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7362 University Avenue NE, Suite 120 Fridley, MN 55432

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