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Andrew A. Willaert Jr. - Mankato, MN

Eide Bailly Center111 South 2nd StreetSuite 500 Mankato, MN 56001

Virtual Appointments

Updated: 11/04/2020

Mankato Finance & Banking Lawyer


Andrew Willaert is a true counselor to his clients. He believes that strong representation is the product of good listening. He helps his clients understand their options and make informed decisions. Among these clients are privately owned businesses, agriculture producers, and individuals, for whom he provides advice and services in the areas of business organization, purchases and sales, succession and estate planning, real estate, and probate.

Andrew brings special understanding to agriculture, real estate and organizational matters; this may be because they were part of his life from the start, as he grew up on a large family farm run by a partnership of five brothers and working with dozens of relatives.

In addition to a burgeoning law practice, Andrew is an active member of his community. He spends much of his free time involved in community organizations and his dedication and involvement in the community led to him being honored as Greater Mankato Growth's 2008 Volunteer of the Year.

About Andrew A. Willaert Jr.

Practice Areas

  • Finance & Banking
  • Real Estate, Environmental Law & Land Use
  • Trusts & Estates

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Attorney


Bar Admissions

  • Minnesota, 1983
  • Iowa
  • U.S. District Court District of Minnesota, 1988
  • U.S. Court of Appeals 8th Circuit

Other Affiliations

  • Minnesota State Bar Association
  • Minnesota Sixth District Bar Association
  • Iowa State Bar Association
  • Greater Mankato Growth: City Center Partnership
  • Greater Mankato Growth: Public Policy Advisory Committee
  • Mankato Area Foundation Board of Directors
  • Leave-A-Legacy
  • Greater Mankato Rotary


  • William Mitchell College of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1983
    Juris Doctor
  • St. John's University, 1980
    Bachelor of Science


Office Information


Eide Bailly Center111 South 2nd StreetSuite 500 Mankato, MN 56001


  • (507) 387-4413

Accepts Credit Cards


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Firm Address

(507) 387-4413
Google Map
Eide Bailly Center111 South 2nd StreetSuite 500 Mankato, MN 56001

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