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David J. Risk - Minneapolis, MN

7900 Xerxes Ave. S.Ste. 1700 Minneapolis, MN 55431 - 1134

Updated: 11/19/2016

Minneapolis Criminal Law Lawyer


Dave Risk has earned a reputation for excellence as a criminal defense attorney through his aggressive representation of thousands of clients over the past seventeen years. Dave has represented people charged with all types of crimes ranging from misdemeanor driving offenses to multiple counts of first-degree murder.
Dave began his career as a public defender in Ramsey County after graduating seventh in his law school class. After only two years he began teaching classes to other defense attorneys on the best practices in DWI defense as well as other criminal defense topics.

In 2005 Dave joined a large and successful private criminal defense law firm where he initially focused much of his work on DWI and Implied Consent cases. Dave became a Partner at Halberg Criminal Defense in early 2013. Since that time he has spent more of his time defending high profile Criminal Sexual Conduct cases and helping other clients whose cases have brought significant media attention against them. Dave is particularly skilled at finding novel legal issues and successfully litigating those issues through powerful cross-examination skills. As a result his peers named him a “SuperLawyer” or “Rising Star” ten different times among the many awards he has earned.

About David J. Risk

Practice Areas

  • Criminal Law

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Partner


Bar Admissions

  • Minnesota, 1999

Other Affiliations

  • MACDL, 2005 - Present (Member)
  • Minnesota Society For Criminal Justice, 2005 - Present (Past President)


  • William Mitchell College of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1999
    Honors: magna cum laude
  • Carleton College, Northfield, 1994
    Major: Religion

Classes and Seminars

  • Cell Phone Searches, U.S. Supreme Court's Big Decisisons , 2014 - Present
  • DWI Defense A to Z, Hennepin County Public Defender's Office, 2014 - Present


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View the profile for David J. Risk on Super Lawyers


  • Super Lawyers, 2014 - 2016
  • Rising Star (7 times)


Office Information


7900 Xerxes Ave. S.Ste. 1700 Minneapolis, MN 55431 - 1134


  • 952-224-4840

Accepts Credit Cards




  • Have Faith: Breath, Blood and Urine Tests Implicate the 4th Amendment, The Challenger (MACDL Magazine), 2015
  • Recent Developments in DWI Laws, IV (MACDL Magazine), 2017

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By Anonymous on Jan. 21, 2022

5.0 out of 5 stars

David Risk and his team at Halberg Defense is the Super Squad of legal defense. Unparalleled defense in the courts, this company has cultivated top lawyers/attorneys. The court system is extremely complicated and designed in ways that are difficult to navigate without an attorney who is thoroughly educated on the details of the laws. The law is not always what is just. You need someone who knows ALL the details of the laws to be successful in court. The system, in my opinion, is designed for an individual to be swallowed up by technicalities and ultimately fail if you do not have knowledge of those laws. The feeling of security is priceless and this team offers the best defense money can buy. When it really matters and when you need to ‘pull out the Big Guns’, so to speak, this is a team whom I would trust my (or my family's) fate/future in the hands of.


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Call us at 612-470-5064

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7900 Xerxes Ave. S.Ste. 1700 Minneapolis, MN 55431 - 1134

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