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Updated: 11/08/2013
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Joplin Personal Injury - Plaintiff Lawyer
About Jeremy Keith Brown
Practice Areas
- Personal Injury - Plaintiff
- Workers Compensation - Claimant
- Estate Planning
- Probate/Estate/Trust Administration and Litigation
- General Business
Current Employment Position(s)
- Partner
Bar Admissions
- Missouri, 2002
- U.S. District Court Western District of Missouri, 2005
Other Affiliations
- The Missouri Bar, 2002 - Present (Member)
- S.W. Missouri Estate Planning Council, 2003 - Present (Member)
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Leflar Law Center, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 2002
Honors: magna cum laude
Honors: With Distinction
Honors: With Honors
Honors: Estate Planning Award
Law Review: Arkansas Law Review, 2000 - 2002 - Missouri Southern State College, Joplin, Missouri, USA, 1999
Honors: magna cum laude
Honors: Honors Program
Honors: With Honors
Honors: With Distinction
Major: Criminal Justice; Associate Degree - General Business
Office Information
502 S Pearl Street Joplin, MO 64801
- 417-623-7888
Office Hours
M-F 8am to 5pm; Otherwise by Appointment
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