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Sara L. Marler Esq. - St. Louis, MO

10805 Sunset Office DriveSuite 21010805 Sunset Office DriveSuite 210 St. Louis, MO 63127

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 11/11/2024

St. Louis Family Law Lawyer


After completing her undergraduate degree at Maryville University – St. Louis, law school took Sara Marler to Boston. She attended New England University Law School, where she graduated cum laude and Top 10% of her class. It was Sara’s sense of hometown and community that brought her back to Missouri.

A respected attorney once told her “Caring makes this job hard, but caring is what makes you good at what you do,” and she’s kept those impactful words with her over the years. Sara is a compassionate advocate, having been the voice of children, victims of abuse, and people that are simply trying to hold on to what’s most dear to them. Within that compassion is a skilled, very capable attorney who will be exactly what’s needed in the courtroom.

Sara is the Managing Partner of Marler Law Partners. While she has the ability and does work on many of the varying cases through the firm, she lends a majority of her expertise to Family Law cases.

When she is not practicing law, Sara can be found trying to keep up with her two daughters or chasing after her three dogs.

About Sara L. Marler Esq.

Practice Areas

  • Family Law

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Managing Partner


  • English


Bar Admissions

  • Missouri, 2004


  • New England Law, Boston, Massachusetts, 2003
    Honors: cum laude
    Law Review: The International Convention on Cybercrime: Should the United States Ratify?
  • Maryville University, 1999
    Honors: John E. Simon School of Business Award for Excellence in Marketing
    Honors: Member of the Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leadership Honor Society
    Major: Business Administration and Management


Other Sources of Feedback About Sara L. Marler

Included on the 2024 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2023 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list
  • 2022 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list
  • 2021 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list
  • 2020 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list
  • 2018 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list
  • 2017 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list
  • 2016 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list
  • 2015 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list
  • 2014 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list
  • 2013 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Sara L. Marler on Super Lawyers


  • Top 10 in Client Satisfaction - Missouri, - 2016
  • Rising Starts - Super Lawyers, - 2013


Office Information


10805 Sunset Office DriveSuite 21010805 Sunset Office DriveSuite 210 St. Louis, MO 63127


  • 573-747-4940

Accepts Credit Cards


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10805 Sunset Office DriveSuite 21010805 Sunset Office DriveSuite 210 St. Louis, MO 63127

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