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Patricia Ronayne - Mount Laurel, NJ

644 South Church Street Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

Updated: 01/24/2022

Mount Laurel General Litigation Lawyer


Concentrating in general litigation, including civil, family and chancery court.

During law school Ms. Ronayne interned for the Honorable Michael Patrick King at the Appellate Divisions reviewing attorney briefs and drafting summaries for the Judge. Judge King being Ms. Ronayne’s mentor obtained a positon for her over the summer at the Burlington County Court House where she interned for both Civil and Family Judges. She reviewed pleadings again writing summaries for the Judges while attending court hearings. In her last year of law school she obtained a position in the Tax Clinic receiving special permission to appear before the Tax Court in Delaware.

After law school she obtained a clerkship with the Presiding Judge of the Family Part in Camden County Superior Court, The Honorable Robert Page. During her clerkship she assisted Judge Page in the writing and research of the Judge’s Manuel. Ms. Ronayne supervised all Family Law Clerks, reviewed attorney motions and attended court proceedings. After completing her clerkship she obtained employment with Kearney and Brady where she practiced in both the fields of Family Law and Personal Injury.

Subsequently, she obtained a position with the firm of Hartman and Nugent were she again practiced Family Law and Personal Injury.

In 1996, Ms. Ronayne opened her own law office where she continues to practice in the areas of Family Law and Personal Injury. Ms. Ronayne is a certified mediator.

She serves as a Matrimonial Early Settlements Panelist in Burlington County. She also serves as a Blue Ribbon Panelist for high asset cases.

About Patricia Ronayne

Practice Areas

  • General Litigation
  • Civil, Family and Chancery


Other Affiliations

  • District III B Fee Arbitration Committee, 2009 - 2012 (Vice Chair)
  • Burlington County Family Law Section Bar Association, 2011 - 2012 (Co-chair)
  • District III B Ethics Board, 2000 - 2003 (Board Member)
  • New Jersey State Bar Association, 1999 - Present (Member)
  • New Jersey Business & Industry Association, 1999 - Present (Member)
  • Burlington County Bar Association, 1999 - Present (Member)
  • Camden County Bar Association, 1999 - Present (Member)
  • Master in Thomas S. Forkin Family Law American Inn of Court
  • New Jersey Association for Justice


  • Widener University Delaware Law School, Wilmington, Delaware, May, 1991
  • Rutgers University, Camden, New Jersey
    Honors: Dean's List
    Honors: Outstanding College Students of America
    Honors: Omnicron Delta Epsilon (honors economics)
    Major: Economics

Fraternities and Sororities

  • Omicron Delta Epsilon

Past Positions

  • Hartman & Nugent, Chartered, Associate Attorney, 1994 - 1996
  • Kearney & Brady, Associate Attorney, 1992 - 1994


Office Information


644 South Church Street Mount Laurel, NJ 08054


  • 856-234-5432

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm; Saturday-Sunday: Closed

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644 South Church Street Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

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