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Derek D. Reed - Newark, NJ

60 Park Place18th Floor Newark, NJ 07102 - 5504

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 12/06/2024

Newark Commercial Litigation Lawyer


Mr. Reed is a senior associate in the firm's civil litigation department and has extensive experience in complex commercial, real estate, administrative, landlord/tenant, property tax appeals and family/matrimonial law matters. He has handled numerous cases venued in the state courts of New Jersey and New York, along with the United States District Court, District of New Jersey and in the Eastern and Southern District Courts of New York. Mr. Reed handles matters in the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law regarding challenges to violations of the New Jersey Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law cited by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs ("DCA") and has successfully represented and advised numerous property owners, developers and management companies regarding negotiation of these penalties and abatement of violations. His administrative experience also extends to defending property owners in actions brought by the New Jersey Department on Civil Rights for alleged violations of the Fair Housing Act ("FHA") and New Jersey Law Against Discrimination ("NJLAD").

Mr. Reed's successful litigation experience has also served his clients well in countless matrimonial and family law matters in New Jersey. His experience in this area of the law includes, without limitation, trials, motions, emergent applications, early settlement panels ("ESP"), economic mediation, post-judgment applications, child custody, international child custody and Hague Convention applications, parenting time issues, relocation applications, requests for downward modification of support and enforcement of standing court orders. Mr. Reed also has experience handling complex matrimonial actions involving various experts for business and asset valuations.

Additionally, Mr. Reed is an instructor with the Rutgers University School of Continuing Legal Education, lecturing on trial testimony and administrative procedure. He has also lectured extensively on various aspects of owning and managing multi-family real estate in New Jersey, including commercial and residential leasing, the New Jersey Fair Housing Act, New Jersey Security Deposit Act, Abandoned Property Statute and various nuances of the New Jersey Anti-Eviction Act and Summary Dispossess Act. He is a seasoned speaker who is regularly asked to give seminars to the multi-family industry. Mr. Reed has lectured to numerous groups, including the Metropolitan Real Estate Investors Association (MREIA) ( , New Jersey Property Owner's Association (POA) (, New Jersey Affordable Housing Management Association (JAHMA) ( and Tri-State Mixer (

Commercial Litigation
Matrimonial Law
Real Estate Litigation/Property Tax Appeals
Commercial Collections
Landlord/Tenant Law

About Derek D. Reed

Practice Areas

  • Commercial Litigation

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Associate


Bar Admissions

  • New York, 2005
  • New Jersey, 2003
  • U.S. District Court District of New Jersey, 2003
  • U.S. District Court Eastern District of New York, 2010
  • U.S. District Court Southern District of New York, 2010
  • U.S. Bankruptcy Court New Jersey, 2003

Other Affiliations

  • New Jersey Bar Association, 2005 - Present
  • New York Bar Association, 2005 - Present
  • Essex County Bar Association, 2005 - Present


  • Syracuse University College of Law, Syracuse, New York, 2003
    Jurist Doctor
  • Gettysburg College, 2000
    Bachelor of Arts
    Major: History and Political Science

Classes and Seminars

  • Testifying at Trial and Administrative Procedure, Rutgers University School of Continuing Legal Education, 2008 - Present
  • Testifying at Trial and Administrative Procedure, Middlesex County Community College, 2007 - 2008
  • Landlord/Tenant Law, Sterling Educational Services, February 22, 2011
  • Beyond the Basics In the New Economy - Landlord/Tenant Law, Sterling Educational Services, April 28, 2009
  • Negotiating Commercial Leases, Sterling Educational Services, November 15, 2008
  • Commercial Leasing in New Jersey, Sterling Educational Services, April 21, 2008
  • Advanced Landlord/Tenant Law, Sterling Educational Services, March 27, 2007
  • Breakthrough Collection Strategies, National Business Institute, August 11, 2005


Other Sources of Feedback About Derek D. Reed

Included on the 2013 New Jersey Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Derek D. Reed on Super Lawyers


Office Information


60 Park Place18th Floor Newark, NJ 07102 - 5504


  • 973-624-8850 (Tenancy Department)
  • 973-596-1781

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Firm Address

973-624-8850 (Tenancy Department)
Google Map
60 Park Place18th Floor Newark, NJ 07102 - 5504

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