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Albuquerque Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer
Dusti Harvey is the principal of the Harvey, Foote & Baker in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Prior to forming her law firm, she directed all aspects of litigation as corporate counsel for a national nursing home chain for over six years. She was in charge of the Alternative Dispute Resolution program under the corporation's bankruptcy and traveled the United States mediating over 1,500 nursing home cases. She now devotes a significant portion of her practice advocating for the well-being of elderly individuals residing in nursing homes and lectures nationwide at seminars regarding nursing home neglect and abuse. Ms. Harvey also practiced law as an associated for a large civil defense firm with a focus on insurance defense, medical malpractice and automobile accidents.
Dusti Harvey is on the board of the New Mexico Trial Lawyers Association and the Nursing Home Litigation Group of the American Association for Justice. She is a member of the State Bar of New Mexico, New Mexico Women's Bar Association and the National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform.
About Dusti Harvey
Practice Areas
- Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
- Elder Law
- Hospital Negligence
- Medical Malpractice
- Wrongful Death and Personal Injury
- Mass Torts, Pharmaceutical Litigation, Medical Device Litigation
- Trucking, Auto and Motorcycle Accidents Resulting in Serious Injury or Death
- Railroad Accidents
- Premises Liability
- Patent and Trademark Infringement Litigation
- Health & Health Care Law
- Hospital Law
- Medical Products & Devices
- Motor Vehicle
- Motor Vehicle Accidents -- Defense
- Personal Injury -- Plaintiff
- Pharmaceutical Products
- Premises Liability -- Defense
- Toxic Torts
- Bedsores/Pressure Sores
- Falls and Fractures
- Abuse by Another Resident
- Abuse by Staff
- Assisted Living Abuse
- Choking
- Dehydration
- Elopement and Wandering
- Emotional Abuse
- Failure to Perform CPR
- Financial Abuse
- Group Home Abuse
- Malnutrition
- Medication Errors
- Neglect
- Physical Abuse
- Poor Hygiene
- Sepsis
- Sexual Abuse
- Spanish
- German
Bar Admissions
- New Mexico, 1996
- U.S. District Court District of New Mexico, 1996
Other Affiliations
- New Mexico Trial Lawyers Association, 2004 - Present
- New Mexico Trial Lawyers Association (Board Member, 2007 - Present)
- American Association for Justice, 2004 - Present
- American Association for Justice, Nursing Home Litigation Group (Board Member, 2009 - Present)
- American Association for Justice, Nursing Home Litigation Group, 2013 - 2014 (President)
- New Mexico Women's Bar Association, 2004 - Present
- National Citizen's Coalition for Nursing Home Reform, 2004 - Present
- National Mock Trial Team, 1995 - 1996
- Women's Law Caucus, 1994 - 1996 (President)
- Junior League of Albuquerque, 1995 - 2004
- Character Counts in the Workplace, 1997 - 1998
- University of New Mexico School of Law, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1996
Honors: Honor Roll
Honors: Dean's List
Honors: Who's Who: American Law Students, 1994-1996
Law Review: University of New Mexico Law Review, Notes & Comments Editor, 1994 - 1996 - University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1992
Honors: Deans' List
Honors: Golden Key National Honor Society, 1990-1992
Honors: Dean of Students Award for Sororities, 1990-1992
Major: Political Science
Major: Communications
Fraternities and Sororities
- Pi Beta Phi
Past Positions
- Sun Healthcare Group, Legal Counsel, 1999 - 2005
- Keleher & McLeod, Associate, 1995 - 1998
Pro Bono Activities
- Junior League of Albuquerque, 1995 - 2004
Classes and Seminars
- Medication Error Cases: Fundamentals of a Nursing Home Case Webinar Series, July 2020
- Standards of Care During a Pandemic: What’s Changed? April 2020
- Nursing Home Litigation College: From Intake to Resolution, May 2019
- Maximizing Damages for The Elderly and Minors, April 2019
- Starting your Own Law Firm From A to Z, New Mexico Bar Convention, July 2018
- Who to Sue and Why, April 2017
- Post judgment Remedies in Second Judicial District Court, December 2016
- Nursing Home Litigation, Fundamentals Seminar, October 2016
- Trials and Tribulations: Handling Particularly Sticky Issues in Discovery, Trial and Post-Settlement, June 2016
- Pressure Sores in Nursing Home Settings, AAJ National Convention, June 2015
- 2015 Nursing Home Boot Camp. May 2015
- Caregiver Testimony: The Key to Your Case, April 2013
- Arbitration Agreements: Current State of the Law and How These Affect Mediation, March 2011
- Infection Cases: What Causes of Action are Viable and How to Prove, January 2011
- F-Tags: Clues to Nursing Home Abuse, October 2010
- An Update on Arbitration, April 2010
- New Corporate Structure and Insurance: It’s by Design, AAJ National Convention, July 2009
- Cost Reports: More than Just Numbers, June 2009
- Strategic Depositions: Who to Depose and When, March 2009
- Understanding and Using Medicare and Medicaid Cost Reports to Prove Your Client’s Case: Lessons Learned in Nursing Home Cases, February 2008
- Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Home cases, September 2007
- Obtaining and Using Nursing Home Surveys, February 2007
- Strategic Depositions: Who to Depose and When, American Association for Justice
- Understanding and Using Medicare and Medicaid Cost Reports to Prove Your Client's Case: Lessons Learned in Nursing Home Cases, American Association for Justice
- Settlement Strategies: Pushing the Right Buttons, Advanced Nursing Home Litigation Seminar, American Association for Justice
- Advocating for Good Care While in a Nursing Home, Senior Centers throughout New Mexico
- Causes of Action against Nursing Homes, Legal Referral for the Elderly Program
- What to do if You Suspect Abuse in a Nursing Home, Kiwanis Clubs
- Choosing a Nursing Home for Your Loved One, Albuquerque Avitan
- Using Nursing Home Records to Prove Liability, State Long Team Care Ombudsman
- Common Types of Nursing Home Claims, State Bar of New Mexico, 2005
- Definition & Signs of Abuse & Neglect in Nursing Home, State Bar of New Mexico, 2005
- Frequently Lectures State Agencies, Local Groups, and National Seminars About Nursing Home Issues, 2004 - Present
Ancillary Businesses
- Lobbying Against Tort Reform in New Mexico
Other Sources of Feedback About Dusti Harvey
Office Information
9202 San Mateo Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87113
- 505-254-1111
Accepts Credit Cards
Office Hours
Monday- Friday 8:30AM-5:00PM
- Trends in New Mexico Law: Tort Claims Act - Liability of Law Enforcement Officers
- New Mexico Law Review, 25 N.M.L. Rev. 329, Spring, 1995
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