Enter legal issue and location
- Jennifer L Abrams
- Samuel Acevedo
- Stephen K Ackerman
- Elizabeth Aivars
- Janet A Albano
- Kathleen V Alberton
- Edward D Alkalay
- Essie Allen
- Carmen Twillie Ambar
- Marc S Andes
- Leroi J Andrews
- Holly Marsh Arnould (Attorney)
- Paul J Aronson
- Philip H Azarian
- Percival R Bailey
- Michael Barron
- Nancy Batterman
- Wesley Eugene Bauman (Assistant Corporation Counsel)
- Julian R Bazel
- Jonathan S Becker
- Alan Beckoff
- Suzanne A Beddoe (Assistant Corporate Counsel)
- Chester D Belatsky
- Melissa Benjamin
- Andrea J Berger
- Barry I Berger
- Suzanne M Bernard
- Robin Binder
- Vernon A Blair
- Ira L Blankstein
- Suzanne Blond
- Kathy E Blyn
- Suzanne M Bochner
- Eugene R Borenstein
- Bonnie J Bourstein
- Ruby E Bradley
- Elizabeth A Brady
- Grace Ann Brannigan
- Bradley S Braut
- Ave Maria Brennan
- Hillary M Brest
- Gary L Bristol
- Nancy F Brodie
- Adam Brown
- Helen P Brown
- Michael S Brown
- June Buch
- Nathan Burkan Jr.
- Barbara B Butler
- Victoria A Butler
- Cheryl D Buttone
- Kathleen J Cahill (Assistant Corporation Counsel)
- Martha A Calhoun
- Claudia L Canosa
- Sharon Cantor
- Francis F Caputo
- George T Carter
- Dacia Christina Cocariu (Assistant Corporation Counsel)
- Brian E Cody
- Andrea L Cohen
- Rochelle H Cohen
- Philip Coleman
- Drake A. Colley (Senior Counsel)
- Suzanne K Colt
- John W Cook
- Jay C Cooke
- Norman T Corenthal
- Catherine L Cotter
- Cheryl M Cox
- Jennifer A Coyne
- Thomas C Crane
- Laura L Cromwell
- Elissa Stein Cushman
- Steven Stein Cushman
- Jason Cutler
- Vincent L Dorazio
- Elizabeth M. Daitz (Attorney)
- Anschel David
- James E Davies
- Carlos Decordoba
- Jay Douglas Dean
- Magda M Deconinck
- Dolores Deriggi
- Brian Dillon
- Pamela Seider Dolgow
- Gail Donoghue
- Ellen Doskow
- Deborah R Douglas
- John P Douw
- Rita D Dumain
- Felica G Dunn-Jones
- Elizabeth Dvorkin
- James J Dwyer
- Jane S Earle
- Eric Jay Eichenholtz (Attorney)
- Jolie R Eisenberg
- Robert L Ellenberg
- Fabiola Emmanuel
- John G Epstein
- Elizabeth A Etkind
- Andrea Fastenberg (Assistant Corporation Counsel)
- William J Fay Jr.
- Regina Feder
- Meredith Feinman
- Peter P Ferraiuolo
- Lewis S Finkelman
- Susan J Finkenberg
- Spencer A Fisher (Assistant Corporate Counsel)
- Mari J Bebon Flicker
- Susan Forsyth
- Marjorie L Fox
- Elizabeth I Freedman
- Jeffrey D Friedlander
- Lori D Fritsch
- D E Mcdonald Garcia
- Adriane Gavronsky
- Linda A Geary
- Andrew R Gelfand
- Jane A Gelman
- Erene K George
- Jennifer M Gilroy
- Lyla Glener
- Denise Golden
- Abigail Lynne Goldenberg (Attorney)
- David B Goldin
- Yair S Goldstein
- Muriel Goode-Trufant
- Grace Ann Goodman
- Lorna B Goodman
- Olivia T Goodman
- Doron Gopstein
- Jane L Gordon
- Steven L Goulden
- Alicia M Grace
- Andrea Grant-Gross
- Charles C Graves
- Robin Green
- Nancy H Greene
- Blanche J Greenfield
- Judith R Greenwald
- Karen M Griffin
- Elizabeth Gross
- Elizabeth Dale Gross
- Heidi Grossman
- Jeffrey D Grossman
- Kenneth Grundstein
- Carolyn A Hafner (Assistant Corporate Counsel)
- Jay E Haimer
- Susan M Halatyn
- Kathleen A Handke
- Edward F X Hart
- Susan Pye Hartzell
- Kristin M Helmers
- Frances J Henn
- Michael Henry
- Paul Herzfeld (Assistant Corporate Counsel)
- Lisa Bova Hiatt
- Patricia A Hickey
- Renee Corley Hill
- Nancy Hirschmann
- Debra A Hochman
- Laurel H Hoffman
- John Hogrogian
- Jane Molanphy Houdek
- Linda G Howard
- John L Hunt
- Florence A Hutner
- Jill R Hyman
- Lori B Iskowitz
- Eric P Jewell
- Zena Johnson
- Laura G Johnson-Clark
- Andrew B Jones
- Janice Kabel
- Lawrence S Kahn
- Julian L Kalkstein
- Norman Kapp
- Kathleen Karakassis
- Catherine L Karanas
- Ilene Kass
- Scott G Katcher (Of Counsel)
- Susan M Kath (Deputy Chief, Environmental Law Division)
- Robert M Katz
- Paul E Kazanoff (Associate)
- Barbara R Keller
- Margaret G King
- Stephen Edward Kitzinger Esq. (Assistant Corporation Counsel)
- Hilary B Klein
- Alan H Kleinman
- Isaac Klepfish
- Leonard J Koerner
- Craig Robert Koster (Attorney)
- Deborah A Kramer
- Alan G Krams
- Sherrill M Kurland
- Patricia E Lafreniere
- Marjorie B Landa
- Carl A Laske
- S Lazar-Geliebter
- Pam Lazear-Julius
- Lisa E Lempel-Sander
- Kimberly A Lennard
- Kathryn E. Leone (Attorney)
- Fay Leoussis
- Steven R Levi
- Jesse I Levine
- Edwin M Levy
- Jennifer E Liddy
- Andrew Gary Lipkin (Attorney)
- Louise H Lippin
- Randie M Liss
- David L Lock
- Ellen Lombardi
- Amy London
- Stephen Elliott Louis (Attorney)
- Saadia C Luzzi
- George P Lynch
- Kelly D MacNeal
- Debra Maldonado
- Consuelo M Mallafre (Staff Attorney)
- Patrick J Mantione
- Ruth H Markovitz
- Paul Marks
- Morton J Marshack
- Lawrence M Martin
- Jorge Martinez
- Shaun Scott Mason
- Marian Mass
- Israella F Mayeri
- Marlene L Mazel
- Kevin L McAllister
- Mary V McGowan
- Stephen J McGrath
- Michael J McLoughlin
- James W McSpiritt
- Lisa M Mediodia
- Barbara A Mehlman
- Madelyn B Mehlman
- Michelle A Merchant
- Jonathan O Michaels
- Kenneth Michaels
- Eve-Lynn G Miller
- Fredrika V Miller
- Gordon D Miller
- Janet D Miller
- Patricia B Miller
- G Foster Mills
- Linda Margareta Mindrutiu (Assistant Corporation Counsel)
- Mary Mitchel
- Caroline T Mitchell
- Louise A Moed (Staff Attorney)
- Jane Tobey Momo
- Albert F Moncure Jr.
- Maria L Montanti
- Barbara M Moretti
- Samuel Asa Moriber (Attorney)
- Esther Moritz
- Dona B Morris
- Daniel Muller
- Alice Murray
- Diana M. Murray (Attorney)
- Nadine Nasser
- Elizabeth S Natrella
- Virginia M Neary
- Renee R Nebens
- Marianne Nelson
- Maurine Netchin (Assistant Corporation Counsel)
- Joel A Newman
- Mordecai Newman
- Fay S Ng
- Rebecca Northey
- Gerard J O'Hara
- Julie E O'Neill
- Timothy J Oshaughnessy
- Maria A Ogorek
- Theodore K Okun
- David S Olarsch
- Alice D Olick
- Charles Olstein
- Robert Orlin
- Charlens Orsland
- Mark F Palomino
- Cheryl Payer
- Melissa S Penn
- Cari E Pepkin
- Herbert Perlman
- Georgia Pestana
- Rosemarie Peyton (Attorney)
- Robert J Pfeffer
- Bernadette M Pira
- Elizabeth C Pober (Motions Law Clerk)
- Ellen S Pollack (Associate)
- Robin C Price
- Eric Proshansky (Attorney)
- Ellen S Ravitch
- Erika Raymond-Hartley
- Lauren P Raysor
- Michael V Reddy Jr.
- Bruce I Regal (Assistant Corporation Counsel)
- Christopher F Reo
- Paul T Rephen
- Mary Richman
- Marilyn Richter
- Laura B Ringelheim
- David L Rohde (Manager)
- Serena R Roitman
- Mindy Kapner Roller
- Bruce Rosenbaum
- Caryn A. Rosencrantz (Senior Counsel)
- Karen M Ross
- Michelle M Rowland
- Gail Rubin
- Heidi Rubinstein
- Eric A Rundbaken
- Stacey R Sabatini
- Melanie Vogel Sadok (Attorney)
- Tahirih M Sadrieh
- Joan V Salome-Rodriguez
- Karen Samuels
- Susan E Sanders
- Frances Sands
- Judith D Sands
- David M Santoro
- Michael D Sarner
- Terri F Sasanow (Assistant Corporate Counsel)
- Kenneth S Sasmor
- Robert W Saul
- Gail C Saunders
- Victoria Scalzo
- Marilyn M Schechter
- Trudi M Schleifer
- Alan M Schlesinger
- Ellen A Schroeder
- Richard P Schroeder
- Richard S Schulsohn
- Anne M Schuman
- Barry P Schwartz
- Joani Sedaca
- Karen J Seemen
- Mona Sehgal
- Edwin M Selig
- Terryl A Sellers
- Gary P Shaffer
- Myra E Shapiro
- Susan M Shapiro
- Arthur Shaw
- Peter J. Shaw (Attorney)
- Warren W Shaw
- Naomi Sheiner
- Margaret A Sherman
- Masako C Shiono
- Caroline T Silk
- Howard L Singer
- Stuart Smith
- Marta B Soja (Assistant Corporation Counsel)
- Larry Allan Sonnenshein
- Michelle G Sontarp
- A Orli Spanier
- Alan W Sputz
- Elizabeth R St Clair
- Linda J Stanch
- Ronald E Sternberg
- Elizabeth Stillman
- Melissa W Stillman
- Marion P Suter
- Mary I Swartz
- Cindy E. Switzer (Attorney)
- Kelly A Symons
- Gabriel Taussig
- Evania A Thompson
- Jyll D Townes
- Jon A Trafimow
- Lara Treinis
- Todd M Turner
- Inga Vaneysden
- Paula Vanmeter
- Peter W Vanslyck
- Chad A Vignola
- William Walker
- Paul H Wallach
- Leonard Martin Wasserman (Attorney)
- Virginia Waters
- Marjorie D Wein
- Amy J. Weinblatt (Senior Counsel)
- Hillary Weisman
- Eric H. West (Attorney)
- Edward J White
- Michael H Williams
- Elaine Windholz
- Elaine R Witkoff
- Christopher H Wolfe
- H Kenneth Wolfe
- Karen B Wolff
- Betty C Woo
- Pia Wood
- John P Woods
- Elizabeth A Wright
- Lisa S J Yee
- Linda H Young
- Nancy Y. Yuan
- Carole A Zabar
- Carola I Zacheiss
- Janet L Zaleon
- Anna H Zetlin
Office Information
100 Church Street New York, NY 10007
- (212) 788-0367
Other Offices
New York City Law Dept.Tort Division 3rd Floor 198 E 161st St Bronx, NY 10451 - 3513 (718) 590-3487
New York City Law Dept Family Court Division 900 Sherdian Ave Bronx, NY 10451 - 3306 (718) 590-3255
New York City Law Dept. Tort Division 350 Jay Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 (718) 222-2000
New York City Law Department Brooklyn Family Court Unit 350 Jay Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 (718) 222-2381
New York City Queens Family Cover Div 89-14 Parsons Blvd Jamaica, NY 11432 - 6035 (718) 658-0500
City of New York Queens Borough Public Library PO Box 999 89-11 Merrick Blvd Jamaica, NY 11432 - 5200 (718) 990-0801
New York City Homeless Services Dept. Room 1426 161 Williams St New York, NY 10038 - 2607
New York City Spec Comm For Invest of Nyc School District 25 Broadway, 8th Floor Attn: Philip Rizzo New York, NY 10004 - 1010 (212) 510-1400
The City of New York Environmental Control Board 66 John Street, 10th Floor New York, NY 10038 (212) 560-6270
New York City Law Department Manhattan Family Court Unit 60 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10013 (212) 442-6860
New York City Civil Service Comm. Room 2300 1 Centre Street New York, NY 10007 - 1602
New York City Comptrollers Office - General Counsel Municipal Building Room 625 One Centre Street New York, NY 10007 (212) 669-7778
New York City Administrative Trials & Hearing Office 6th Floor 40 Rector St New York, NY 10006 - 1705 (212) 442-4940
New York City Conflicts of Interest Board 10th Floor 2 Lafayette St New York, NY 10007 - 1307 (212) 442-1400
New York City Mayors Office of Labor Relations 4th Floor 40 Rector St New York, NY 10006 - 1705
New York City 1 Centre St Rm 2400 New York, NY 10007 - 1602
New York City Law Department 100 Gold Street New York, NY 10038 212-863-5604
New York City Law Dept. Tort Division 7th Floor 80-02 Kew Gardens Rd Queens, NY 11415 - 3600 (718) 261-8490
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Gotham Center 42-09 28th Street Room 10-85 Queens, NY 11101 - 4132
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How do I choose a lawyer?
Consider the following:
- Comfort Level
- - Are you comfortable telling the lawyer personal information? Does the lawyer seem interested in solving your problem?
- Credentials
- - How long has the lawyer been in practice? Has the lawyer worked on other cases similar to yours?
- Cost
- - How are the lawyer's fees structured - hourly or flat fee? Can the lawyer estimate the cost of your case?
- City
- - Is the lawyer's office conveniently located?
Not sure what questions to ask a lawyer?
Here are a few to get you started:
- How long have you been in practice?
- How many cases like mine have you handled?
- How often do you settle cases out of court?
- What are your fees and costs?
- What are the next steps?
Want to check lawyer discipline?
It is always a good idea to research your lawyer prior to hiring. Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. By researching lawyer discipline you can:
- Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state
- Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any.
- Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action.