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Audrey Perlman Raphael - New York, NY

605 Third Avenue33rd Floor New York, NY 10158

Updated: 05/18/2023

New York Asbestos Litigation Lawyer


Audrey Perlman Raphael is a partner at Levy Konigsberg. Since joining Levy Konigsberg in 1990, she has dedicated her life to representing victims of asbestos exposure, dangerous pharmaceutical products, and other toxic chemicals.

Mrs. Raphael was appointed by the Office of the United States Trustee to serve on several Asbestos Committees that represent victims of asbestos exposure when corporations seek bankruptcy protection: Imerys Talc America, Inc. (Bankruptcy 2019), Paddock Enterprises, LLC (Bankruptcy 2020), the Cyprus Mines Corporation (Bankruptcy 2021) and LTL Management, LLC (Johnson & Johnson) (Bankruptcy 2023).

Further, Mrs. Raphael represents victims of childhood sexual abuse under the New York Child Victims Act, a groundbreaking law that extended the time limit to commence lawsuits for abuse that occurred many years ago. These cases are prosecuted against abusers and their affiliated organizations, including doctors, hospitals, foster care facilities, religious entities, and youth programs. Mrs. Raphael was recently appointed by the Office of the United States Trustee to represent victims of sexual abuse on the Official Committees for victims who were abused at the Madison Boys & Girls Club (Bankruptcy 2022) and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, New York (Bankruptcy 2023).

Mrs. Raphael litigates against Janssen Pharmaceuticals for causing irreversible eye injuries to women who were prescribed the drug Elmiron (Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium) for interstitial cystitis. Mrs. Raphael was appointed to the Plaintiff Steering Committee in the Elmiron Multidistrict Litigation (MDL No. 2973).

Mrs. Raphael is honored in the 2013-2018 editions of The Best Lawyers in America in the practice area of Mass Tort Litigation and the 2016 National Trial Lawyers' list of Top 100 Trial Lawyers. Mrs. Raphael speaks at conferences around the country and is licensed to practice law in New York and Connecticut. She leads several departments at Levy Konigsberg including: Elmiron Litigation, Estates, Lien Resolutions and Asbestos Bankruptcy Trusts.

Each year Mrs. Raphael achieves numerous multimillion-dollar settlements against manufacturers and suppliers of dangerous asbestos products. Mrs. Raphael led the way investigating cases involving asbestos exposures from cosmetic talc and filed the first asbestos cases against cosmetic talc manufacturers. She also discovered that many different types of equipment and products contain asbestos. For example, Mrs. Raphael was one of the first attorneys to conduct depositions of mesothelioma and lung cancer victims who were exposed to asbestos from cigarette filters. She also conducted some of the first depositions of asbestos victims who were exposed to asbestos from pizza ovens, welding rods, automotive friction products and residential boilers. Today, as a result of those earlier depositions, it is well known and accepted in courts across the country that these products contain asbestos. Mrs. Raphael continues to lead the way discovering sources of asbestos exposure currently unknown to the general public.

Mrs. Raphael also works closely with victims of asbestos exposure who were exposed to asbestos in often overlooked non-occupational settings. For example, many asbestos victims were exposed through home renovations, household products and contaminated work clothes worn by family members. She has been a leader in the fight for the rights of women who were exposed to asbestos through cosmetic talcum powder and have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, peritoneal mesothelioma, and pleural mesothelioma.

Mrs. Raphael has also obtained payment for injured clients by uncovering hidden assets and insurance policies. For just one example, she successfully tried a case in the United States Bankruptcy Court against an uninsured motorist who declared personal bankruptcy in an effort to escape paying for the injuries he caused. Importantly, the Court ruled that the perpetrator of an intentional tort may not hide behind bankruptcy laws.

Mrs. Raphael graduated Phi Beta Kappa from University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, earned a master's degree in psychology from New York University and graduated from Fordham Law School where she was a member of the Fordham Urban Law Journal. Prior to and while attending law school, Mrs. Raphael was employed with the Special Narcotics Department of the New York County District Attorney's Office. For many years, Mrs. Raphael volunteered with the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County.

About Audrey Perlman Raphael

Practice Areas

  • Asbestos Litigation

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Partner

Year Joined Firm

  • 1990



  • Fordham University School of Law, New York, New York
    Law Journal: Fordham Urban Law Journal, Member
  • New York University
    Masters in Psychology
  • State University of New York, Buffalo, New York
    Honors: Phi Beta Kappa

Past Positions

  • Special Narcotics Department of the New York County District Attorney's Office, Intern



  • The Best Lawyers in America in the practice area of Mass Tort Litigation, 2013 - 2015
  • Membership in the 2014 National Trial Lawyers' list of Top 100 Trial Lawyers


Office Information


605 Third Avenue33rd Floor New York, NY 10158

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9:00AM-6:00PM

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605 Third Avenue33rd Floor New York, NY 10158

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