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Breeden Law Office - Angier, NC

8 North Broad Street ESuite 201 Angier, NC 27501

Updated: 11/11/2024

Angier Family Law Firm


The Breeden Law Office represents people who are dealing with a family matter or have been charged with a crime. We serve Angier, Garner and Raleigh, North Carolina, as well as Harnett, Johnston and Wake counties. Aggressive advocates, we take our clients’ issues seriously and are committed to helping them through every step of the legal process.

Regardless of how amicable a separation or divorce starts out, matters such as property division, child custody and support can quickly turn spouses into enemies. We show our clients that they can rebuild their lives and move forward. Our law office handles cases involving prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, alienation of affection, domestic violence, paternity, grandparents’ rights, guardianship and adoption.

A criminal charge can turn people’s lives upside down, but our attorney is passionate about protecting their rights. We are experienced in handling matters such as sex offenses, assault, DWI, speeding tickets, shoplifting, embezzlement, drug possession, student crimes and juvenile offenses. We prepare a criminal defense by investigating the factors concerning the alleged offense, interviewing witnesses and examining the evidence gathered by law enforcement. Our attorney is not afraid to question the procedures used by law enforcement or argue a case in the courtroom.

Communication is vital between clients and attorneys, and here at the Breeden Law Office, we make sure our clients are notified of every action taken in their case. If they have questions, they talk directly to an attorney instead of a staff member. We use email, Skype and other technology to keep our clients informed. In addition to family matters and criminal defense, we also provide legal services in the areas of business law and estate planning.


About Breeden Law Office

Practice Areas

  • Family Law
  • Criminal Law

Previous Law Firm Name

  • The Law Office of Jonathan D. Breeden

Office Information


8 North Broad Street ESuite 201 Angier, NC 27501


  • 919-661-4971

Accepts Credit Cards


Other Offices

Breeden Law Office (Main Office) 891 Washington St Raleigh, NC 27605 (919) 756-6970

Breeden Law Office 283 D Glen Rd Garner, NC 27529 - 7902 919-230-1269

Breeden Law Office 312 S 3rd St Ste B Smithfield, NC 27577 - 4544 919-756-6970


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Firm Address

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8 North Broad Street ESuite 201 Angier, NC 27501

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