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Law Office of Mary Leazer Rogers - Charlotte, NC

1719 Euclid Avenue Charlotte, NC 28203

Free Consultation

Updated: 11/11/2024

Charlotte Criminal Defense Law Firm


Whether under an investigation, arrested or charged with a crime, you need experience on your side. At Law Office of Mary Leazer Rogers in Charlotte, North Carolina, we have decades of experience in matters such as the following:

Drunk driving and traffic tickets

Drug crimes and sex offenses

Domestic violence and neglect

White collar crimes

State and federal crimes

Ms. Rogers is a former prosecutor with significant practice in the courtroom. Her perspective is invaluable as she is able to see cases from each side, evaluating strong and weak points in the process. Her thorough approach is the reason why our law office has a proven track record of successfully protecting clients' futures. We have secured case dismissals, not guilty verdicts and dropped charges on behalf of countless people.

One of the reasons for our success is that we see our clients as people, not just case numbers. We take the time to understand their situations and their struggles. Our team is truly devoted to finding the best path forward. Additionally, we make every accommodation we can for the people we represent. Law Office of Mary Leazer Rogers offers free initial consultations. We also accept credit cards and take cases across the state.

About Law Office of Mary Leazer Rogers

Practice Areas

  • Criminal Defense
  • DUI



Office Information


1719 Euclid Avenue Charlotte, NC 28203


  • 704-338-1206

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Accepts Credit Cards



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1719 Euclid Avenue Charlotte, NC 28203

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