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Matthew Bissette - Raleigh, NC

1000 Social StSuite 200 Raleigh, NC 27609

Super Lawyers®


Virtual Appointments

Updated: 11/12/2020


Associate attorney Matthew Bissette knew at an early age that he wanted to enter a profession where he could help injured or sick people, some down on their luck, every day that he walked into the office. He grew up helping his dad, a family medicine doctor, every Wednesday night at a free medical clinic put on for some of his hometown’s most needy. That’s why he went to law school and he brings that background with him each day that he works for his clients as a lawyer.

Matthew does not want insurance companies to take advantage of people who may not understand their rights when they have been hurt in some way by no fault of their own. Matthew works hard to ensure that insurance companies give to these harmed individuals the compensation that they deserve. Matthew believes that intense work and focus combined with critical legal analysis can allow him to bring strong results for injured people.

About Matthew Bissette

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Associate Attorney


Other Sources of Feedback About Matthew Bissette

Included on the 2025 North Carolina Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2024 North Carolina Super Lawyers list
  • 2023 North Carolina Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Matthew Bissette on Super Lawyers


Office Information


1000 Social StSuite 200 Raleigh, NC 27609

Office Hours

Available 24/7

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By Anonymous on Apr. 09, 2020

5.0 out of 5 stars

It was a pleasure working with Mathew Bissette. He fought on my behalf and because of his diligence, I received compensation for an eye injury that I received. I am extremely grateful that Mr. Bissette is in this profession and representing those who need assistance.


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1000 Social StSuite 200 Raleigh, NC 27609

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