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Seth A. Thompson - Bismarck, ND

200 North 3rd StreetSuite 201 Bismarck, ND 58501

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 07/23/2024

Bismarck Employment & Labor Law Lawyer


Seth maintains a labor and employment law, construction law, and general litigation practice in our Bismarck office.

Seth has experience handling construction claims involving a wide variety of issues on projects including industrial facilities, commercial facilities, hotels, retail development, residential housing, and road and highway projects. He also litigates a wide variety of labor and employment disputes, both in court and before arbitrators.

Seth has been a Master Electrician since 2003. He uses this hands-on, detailed knowledge of the construction industry to help general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and owners achieve their goals—in and out of court. Prior to becoming an attorney, Seth worked on numerous construction projects, ranging from residential projects to the construction of a $60 million dollar hospital. He received a two-year trade school degree in construction electricity and completed a three-year U.S. Department of Labor approved electrical apprenticeship program.

While working as an electrician, Seth attended night and weekend classes for three years to obtain his Bachelor’s Degree. Always up for a challenge, he then took night classes to earn a Master’s Degree in management with an emphasis in human resources.

Seth also spent four years working for a labor union negotiating collective bargaining agreements and handling arbitrations and mediations. He was the head elected official of the 900-member organization for two years. During this time, Seth was also an arbitrator on the nation’s oldest dispute resolution panel in the construction industry, the IBEW/NECA Council on Industrial Relations, in Washington, D.C.

Seth graduated with distinction from the University of Minnesota School of Law. He was elected to the Order of the Coif. Seth graduated with an emphasis in labor and employment law. During law school, Seth served as the Editor-in-Chief of the ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law and received the ABA-BNA Award for Excellence in the Study of Labor and Employment Law. He also clerked for a public-sector labor union and Region 18 of the National Labor Relations Board.

After law school, Seth served as a law clerk to Justice Carol Ronning Kapsner of the North Dakota Supreme Court.

Seth grew up in the Lignite and Crosby area, and his wife, Anna, is originally from New Salem. In his spare time, Seth enjoys riding his Harley, golfing, hunting, and spending time with his wife and twins, Ruby and Jack.

As a former volunteer fireman on two rural fire departments, civic participation is important to Seth. He currently serves on the Court Facilities Improvement Advisory Committee and participates in various United Way activities.

About Seth A. Thompson

Practice Areas

  • Employment & Labor Law
  • Construction Law

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Attorney, Shareholder


Bar Admissions

  • Minnesota
  • U.S. District Court District of Minnesota
  • U.S. District Court District of North Dakota
  • North Dakota
  • U.S. Court of Appeals 8th Circuit


  • University of Minnesota Law School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
    Honors: With Distinction
    Honors: Order of the Coif
    Honors: ABA-BNA Award for Excellence in the Study of Labor and Employment Law
    Major: Labor and Employment
    Law Journal: ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law, Editor-in-Chief

Past Positions

  • Public-sector labor union and Region 18 of the National Labor Relations Board, Clerk
  • Justice Carol Ronning Kapsner of the North Dakota Supreme Court, Law Clerk
  • Master Electrician , 2003 - Present

Pro Bono Activities

  • Court Facilities Improvement Advisory Committee

Classes and Seminars

  • Vogel Employment Law Seminar, 2014 - Present
  • Sterling Educational Services (Labor Law), 2015 - Present
  • Sterling Educational Services (Construction Law), 2015 - Present
  • Vogel Law Firm Employment Law Seminar, 2016 - Present
  • Vogel Law Firm Employment Law Seminar, 2018 - Present


Other Sources of Feedback About Seth A. Thompson

Included on the 2024 Great Plains Super Lawyers list

Past Lists

  • 2023 Great Plains Super Lawyers list
  • 2022 Great Plains Super Lawyers list
  • 2021 Great Plains Super Lawyers list
  • 2020 Great Plains Super Lawyers list
  • 2019 Great Plains Super Lawyers list
  • 2018 Great Plains Super Lawyers list
  • 2017 Great Plains Super Lawyers list
  • 2016 Great Plains Super Lawyers list
  • 2015 Great Plains Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Seth A. Thompson on Super Lawyers


  • Great Plains Rising Stars®, Thomson/Reuters, 2015 - 2021
  • Great Plains Rising Stars®, Thomson/Reuters, - 2023
  • Great Plains Super Lawyers, Thomson/Reuters, - 2024
  • “The Best Lawyers in America: Ones to Watch,” in Labor and Employment Law – Management, Woodward/White, - 2021
  • “The Best Lawyers in America; Ones to Watch,“ In Construction Law and Labor and Employment Law – Management Woodward/White, 2024
  • “The Best Lawyers in America; Ones to Watch,“ In Construction Law and Labor and Employment Law – Management and, Litigation – Labor and Employment Law, Woodward/White, 2024-2025


Office Information


200 North 3rd StreetSuite 201 Bismarck, ND 58501


  • 701-258-9705

Accepts Credit Cards


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200 North 3rd StreetSuite 201 Bismarck, ND 58501

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