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Michael M. Thomas - Fargo, ND

406 Main AvenueSte. 200PO Box 2686 Fargo, ND 58103

Updated: 02/18/2024

Fargo Business Law Lawyer


Michael M. Thomas focuses his practice on commercial finance, corporate and business law, banking, mergers and acquisitions, creditors’ rights and estate planning. In his corporate practice, Michael advises clients in complex business transactions, including acquisitions and mergers and contract negotiations. He also counsels clients with respect to business formation and tax issues encountered in the implementation of various business structures such as corporations, limited liability companies and partnerships.

Michael handles all facets of commercial financing and loan transactions for lenders. He drafts and negotiates loan agreements, security agreements, mortgages and related loan documentation. He also has extensive experience in commercial and agricultural workouts.

In his estate planning practice, Michael is involved in the preparation of wills, trusts and powers of attorney to meet the basic family planning needs of clients. He also uses more sophisticated techniques in order to accomplish estate freezes, generation skipping, gifting and charitable transfers.

Michael received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, summa cum laude, in 1981 from the University of North Dakota. He received his Juris Doctor with distinction from the University of North Dakota School of Law in 1984. Michael served as an extern to the Honorable Myron H. Bright, Judge, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit in 1983. He has been an attorney with the firm since 1984.

Michael has been selected by his peers for inclusion in the Best Lawyers in America© in the fields of corporate law and mergers and acquisitions and as a Band 1 lawyer in corporate and commercial law by Chambers USA. Michael has been recognized by Best Lawyers® as the corporate law “Lawyer of the Year” in Fargo on numerous occasions.

Michael is licensed to practice law in the state and federal courts in North Dakota and Minnesota and is a member of the State Bar Association of North Dakota and the Minnesota State Bar Association. He has served on and chaired boards of the North Dakota State Bar Association concerning the attorney disciplinary process. He is also extensively involved as a volunteer with many community organizations including the JP II Catholic Schools and North Dakota High School Forensics. Michael served as President of the YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties and currently serves on its Foundation Board.

About Michael M. Thomas

Practice Areas

  • Business Law
  • Trusts & Estates
  • Banking
  • Commercial Law
  • Bankruptcy


  • 25%

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Of Counsel


Bar Admissions

  • North Dakota, 1984
  • Minnesota

Other Affiliations

  • State Bar Association of North Dakota (Member)
  • Minnesota State Bar Association (Member)
  • North Dakota State Bar Association (Board Member and Chairman)
  • YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties (President)
  • YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties (Board of Directors)
  • YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties Foundation (Board of Directors)


  • University of North Dakota School of Law, Grand Forks, North Dakota, 1984
    Juris Doctor
  • University of North Dakota, 1981
    Honors: summa cum laude
    Major: Business Administration

Past Positions

  • U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals - The Honorable Myron H. Bright, Judge, Extern, - 1983



  • Best Lawyers in America
  • Band 1 Lawyer in corporate and commercial law by Chambers USA
  • “Lawyer of the Year” in Fargo - Best Lawyers, - 2016


Office Information


406 Main AvenueSte. 200PO Box 2686 Fargo, ND 58103


  • 701-293-3133

Accepts Credit Cards


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Firm Address

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406 Main AvenueSte. 200PO Box 2686 Fargo, ND 58103

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