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Margolius, Margolius & Associates - Cleveland, OH

55 Public SquareSuite 1770 Cleveland, OH 44113

Updated: 11/11/2024

Cleveland Social Security -- Disability Law Firm


At Margolius, Margolius & Associates, we fight on behalf of the injured and the wronged. Our law firm in Cleveland, Ohio, is dedicated to securing compensation and benefits in personal injury, employment rights and Social Security Disability cases. We advocate for people throughout the state as well as across the country who have experienced the following:

  • Wrongful termination, sexual harassment, wage and hour disputes
  • Car accidents
  • Workers' compensation and long-term disability
  • Fair housing matters

The impressive team of attorneys at our law firm is recognized as leaders in their practice areas. For example, Marcia Margolius has brought concerns about Social Security Disability before congressional committees. She has a reputation for being one of the most successful attorneys in her practice area in the country. Andrew Margolius has personally overseen countless courtroom trials and appellate court cases. Collectively, our attorneys have decades of experience among them in client advocacy.

We are a client-focused law firm where priorities include convenience. For example, we are available around the clock to respond to concerns. Our biggest motivating factor is putting our clients on a path to success. For that, we have an exceptional track record. As a result of both our customer service and proven results, we hold honors that include an Avvo "Superb" rating and being included to the Super Lawyers list. Margolius, Margolius & Associates accepts credit cards.

About Margolius, Margolius & Associates

Practice Areas

  • Social Security -- Disability
  • Personal Injury
  • Employment Rights
  • Long Term Disability
  • Fair Housing
  • State Disability
  • Auto Accidents


  • 90%

Office Information


55 Public SquareSuite 1770 Cleveland, OH 44113

Accepts Credit Cards


Other Offices

Margolius, Margolius & Associates 1900 Polaris Parkway Suite 450 Columbus, OH 43240 216-868-2832



Lawyers at Margolius, Margolius & Associates selected for a Super Lawyers® list

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By Anonymous on Aug. 30, 2024

5.0 out of 5 stars

Thanks to the Margolius for their Professional expertise settling a Case for my LTD. Emily Warren , Andrew Margolius, Donna and the entire staff were professional and understood my case after reviewing all facts and the laws to quickly resolve. Being open and discussing my situation. I was very happy with the outcome and would highly recommend Margolius, Margolius & Associates for any advice or situation that needs professional attorneys. Even there offices where clean and nice. Thank You

By Anonymous on Feb. 21, 2023

5.0 out of 5 stars

I had a mental health disability claim that they handled very well, helping me appeal as much as I needed until I won my case

By Anonymous on Dec. 21, 2022

5.0 out of 5 stars

I am a past client and my experience with Margolis and Margolis law firm was excellent.They won a case for my son's disability benefits after being denied 2 times. That was 13 years ago. I highly recommend them! Thank you for your services Margolis and Margolis!

Call us at 216-868-2832

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55 Public SquareSuite 1770 Cleveland, OH 44113

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