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Rodriguez Bell & DiFranco Law Office, LLC - Cleveland, OH

2800 Euclid Ave.Suite 610 Cleveland, OH 44115

Updated: 11/11/2024

Cleveland Immigration Law Firm


It is often said that many of the best qualities of the United States stem from its willingness throughout history to accept immigrants from around the world. Since 9/11, however, public sentiment has shifted somewhat, and many laws regarding immigration and naturalization have become more restrictive and complex. The attorneys at Rodriguez Bell & DiFranco Law Office, LLC, in Worthington, Ohio, assist individuals in the full spectrum of immigration law.

Attorneys Jessica Rodriguez Bell and Brian DiFranco provide personalized legal counsel in a wide range of immigration matters to individuals throughout Greater Columbus. We work to bring clarity and successful endings to our clients' immigration needs, including:

  • Family-based immigration
  • Immigrant and nonimmigrant visas
  • Religious worker visas
  • Naturalization and citizenship
  • Deportation defense
  • Temporary protective status
  • Asylum

Because we focus entirely on immigration law, our lawyers have the experience and know-how to get things done. We stay abreast of the latest changes to federal immigration laws, and we have a thorough understanding of the creative strategies that are successfully deployed to streamline immigration processes and clear roadblocks.

Our attorneys, descendents themselves of immigrants, are inspired and driven to help others because of how immigration positively impacted their lives. Too much is at stake to work with a law firm whose attorneys are not similarly devoted to the outcome, or a firm that merely dabbles in immigration law. We invite you to call 800-709-0243 to schedule a free consultation.

We also assist clients in Cleveland and surrounding suburbs from our office in Cleveland.

Hablamos Espanol.

About Rodriguez Bell & DiFranco Law Office, LLC

Practice Areas

  • Immigration

Office Information


2800 Euclid Ave.Suite 610 Cleveland, OH 44115


  • 216-920-1124

Accepts Credit Cards


Other Offices

Rodriguez Bell & DiFranco Law Office, LLC (Main Office) 2641 Oakstone Drive Columbus, OH 43231 800-709-0243


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2800 Euclid Ave.Suite 610 Cleveland, OH 44115

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