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Rodd S. Lawrence - Columbus, OH

496 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215 - 5702

Updated: 01/21/2024

Columbus Business Lawyer


My name is Rodd Lawrence, and I have been an attorney in Central Ohio since 1988. I began my legal career in a large law firm, and founded Lawrence Law Office with my wife, Linda, over 15 years ago. I bring more than 23 years experience in litigation, business and real estate matters, as well as extensive experience in government law.

Many clients are unaware of how to approach an issue, or simply not prepared to consider the ramifications of an existing legal situation. I begin my work with each client by emphasizing the importance of working together as a team to identify the client's specific goals as they relate to a legal challenge or issue. I approach our work together from the perspective of that desired outcome, and work from that starting point to develop a plan to reach those goals. This approach helps to clarify and meet clients' objectives.

People assume that it might be difficult to share a legal practice with your spouse, but Linda and I share the same short and long term personal and professional goals. Our legal practices overlap each other in many areas, and yet our separate experience and areas of expertise allow us to work with and support one another effectively.

If I were to describe in one word what my clients appreciate most about working with me, it would be "perspective". Both Linda and I share a broad range of legal and personal experience. Any one particular legal issue or problem may not require expertise in a number of different disciplines, but having that experience definitely provides a perspective that is extremely helpful in each matter we face. Many legal problems require creative solutions, and the complex experience we have gained from matters in other areas of the law allow us to apply a broader level of options and ultimately develop a more effective solution to any given individual challenge.

Our unique perspective allows us to bring our clients a more complete and economical legal solution. Helping clients with a legal issue isn't a matter of being reactive. Our experience allows us to be proactive, to identify potential legal problems down the road, as well as tangential issues that spring out of existing legal challenges and related choices.

It is usually a more effective and economic strategy to find ways to work with other parties to reach a mutually beneficial solution. That's not always possible. When necessary, I act aggressively to protect and assert my client's interests to achieve the ultimate outcome they seek.

When I'm not practicing law you will likely find me working on our family farm. I also enjoy a broad range of activities and hobbies from improving my children's baseball swing or piano playing, to hunting, or enjoying an evening out with Linda.

My father taught me by his example to live a life of principal - to leave things better than how you found them. I find this philosophy permeates my thoughts and actions professionally and personally. At Lawrence Law Office we are about improving and contributing to the lives of our clients, and the community in which we live and work.

About Rodd S. Lawrence

Practice Areas

  • Business
  • Corporations
  • Real Estate
  • Municipal Law
  • Estate Planning


Bar Admissions

  • Ohio, 1988
  • U.S. District Court Southern District of Ohio, 1988

Other Affiliations

  • Columbus Bar Association (Member)
  • Ohio State Bar Association (Member)
  • American Bar Association (Member)


  • Vanderbilt University Law School, Nashville, Tennessee, 1987
  • Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, 1984
    Honors: cum laude

Fraternities and Sororities

  • Phi Delta Phi
  • Omicron Delta Kappa

Past Positions

  • Bricker and Eckler


Office Information


496 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215 - 5702


  • (614) 228-3798

Accepts Credit Cards


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Firm Address

(614) 228-3798
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496 South Third Street Columbus, OH 43215 - 5702

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