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Todd T. Miller - Dayton, OH

One Elizabeth PlaceSuite 220 Dayton, OH 45417

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 01/27/2023

Dayton Workers Compensation Lawyer


For over a quarter of a century, Todd Miller has been representing injured workers. If it is your first work related injury or even if you have had prior injuries, the system can feel overwhelming. Todd is here to help!

Board Certified in Workers’ Compensation and chosen to be an Ohio Super Lawyer for multiple years, Todd has the experience and knowledge to guide you through the workers' compensation system. When you hire Todd, you are hiring an attorney that will personally work on your case. Todd's clients are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. Despite being a "no fault" state, an injured worker can often feel that they are suddenly the enemy. Answering multiple phone calls from different people working under the umbrella of the Bureau of Workers Compensation can be confusing. Statements can be taken out of context and actually used against you in the processing of your claim. Injured workers simply want to get fixed and get back to work as quickly as possible. Todd's goal is to assist in that process against a system that often feels like it just doesn't care.

Born and raised in Ohio, Todd is married with three children, Jordan, Allison and Ethan. He enjoys reading and would like to find the time to play more golf.

When asked about a certain case that he remembers, Todd brought up this case:

Unfortunately, one of the most personally rewarding workers’ compensation cases involved the death of a client’s husband. After months of frustration and lack of action on her claim, the widow was looking for help. Her husband had been found after being crushed to death. There were no witnesses and the circumstances leading up to his death were unclear.

The widow was frustrated with the system and was experiencing financial difficulties as a result of her husband’s death. The employer was arguing that her husband had died of natural causes, specifically a heart attack. With the help of expert witnesses, it was established that the employer’s theory was medically unsupported given the circumstances of the worker’s death. Following multiple hearings before the Industrial Commission of Ohio, the widow’s entitlement to workers’ compensation benefits was established.

This case was rewarding not only because of it succesful outcome, but because I was able to help someone in need. The widow was unfamiliar with the workers’ compensation system and was trying to establish her entitlement to workers’ compensation benefits against an employer aggressively trying to say otherwise.

In the course of several meetings, conversations and hearings, I developed a relationship of trust and respect with the widow. Given her circumstances, it was easy to feel compassion for her situation. Beyond compassion, however, I was able to get results. Although she remains without the companionship of her husband, she has been able to more easily meet the financial difficulties with the help of the benefits provided through Ohio workers’ compensation.

About Todd T. Miller

Practice Areas

  • Workers Compensation


Bar Admissions

  • Ohio, 1994

Specialties and Certifications

  • Certified Specialist in Workers Compensation Law, Board Certified, 1999

Other Affiliations

  • Ohio State Bar Association
  • Dayton Bar Association
  • Ohio Association for Justice

Past Positions

  • Spitler & Williams-Young Co., L.P.A., Attorney, 1994 - 2002
  • Hochman & Plunkett Co., L.P.A., Attorney, 2002 - 2014


  • University of Toledo College of Law, Toledo, Ohio, May, 1994
    Doctor of Jurisprudence
  • Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, May, 1991
    B.S., Bachelor of Science
    Major: Finance
    Minor: Political Science
  • Earlham School of Religion, Richmond, Indiana, May, 2016
    Masters Degree in Divinity

Office Information


One Elizabeth PlaceSuite 220 Dayton, OH 45417

Office Hours

8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. M-F


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  • Ohio Super Lawyer in 2006, 2011, 2019 to present

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