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Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd. - Mayfield Heights, OH

6105 Parkland BoulevardSuite 140 Mayfield Heights, OH 44124

Super Lawyers®


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Updated: 02/03/2025

Mayfield Heights Estate Planning Law Firm


Highly accredited and experienced, our team at Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd., in Mayfield Heights, Ohio, delivers practical solutions in estate planning, elder law and business law matters. Our law firm is noted for our ability to compassionately steer clients through difficult and complex matters in an efficient way. We have decades of experience in personalizing legal strategies for people in matters such as:

• Probate and trust litigation
• Powers of attorney
• Wills and trusts
• Tax concerns
• Business succession

The attorneys at our law firm have earned a reputation for their work. Their resumes include notable items such as being an accredited attorney for claims through the Veterans Administration; being a certified elder law attorney through the National Elder Law Foundation; and holding an Avvo "Superb" rating. We work with clients from all walks of life, from military members to business owners to same-sex couples to young families.

Ultimately, our goal is to give people peace of mind during an otherwise uncertain time. Therefore, we do everything we can to ease their concerns. One of the reasons for our success is our honest approach to any legal issue. Our law firm provides clients with a flat-rate fee so there are no surprises as we move through their case. Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd., accepts credit cards. We are also available to meet with our clients at a place convenient to them, whether that is one of our four locations or elsewhere.

About Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd.

Practice Areas

  • Estate Planning
  • Elder Law
  • Medicaid Estate Planning
  • LGBTQ + Estate Planning
  • Probate & Trust Administration
  • Probate & Trust Litigation
  • Business Law




  • Tarah King, Marketing Director
  • Geri A. Nowak, Office Manager, Medicaid Paralegal, Legal Assistant
  • Mary Kay Rouse, Senior Corporate Paralegal
  • Paula A. Londrico, Estate Planning Paralegal
  • Andy C. Mosher, Estate Planning Paralegal, Probate Paralegal
  • Christine A. Gillespie, Estate Planning Paralegal
  • Bonnie R. Tomko, Probate Paralegal
  • Debra DiPenti, Legal Assistant
  • Janet M. Borac, Receptionist

Office Information


6105 Parkland BoulevardSuite 140 Mayfield Heights, OH 44124


  • 216-595-2787

Accepts Credit Cards


Other Offices

Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd. Crowne Centre 5005 Rockside Road Suite 600 Independence, OH 44131 216-483-5553

Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd. PS Executive Centers 1991 Crocker Road Suite 600 Westlake, OH 44145 216-483-5553



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6105 Parkland BoulevardSuite 140 Mayfield Heights, OH 44124

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