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Makridis Law Firm, LLC - Warren, OH

183 W. Market St.2nd Floor Warren, OH 44483

Free Consultation

Updated: 11/11/2024

Warren Criminal Defense Law Firm


From our office in Warren, Ohio, the attorneys at the Makridis Law Firm serve the rights and interests of a diverse range of clients throughout Trumbull County and the surrounding areas of the greater Cleveland metro area who have legal needs involving any of the following:

  • DUI/OUI defense
  • Criminal defense
  • Expungements
  • Bankruptcy
  • Personal injury
  • Workers' compensation
  • Social Security Disability

No matter how complex your needs or how complicated your situation, you can rely on our more than 40 years of combined legal experience to provide you with the solid, trustworthy advice you need to make the best-informed decisions on the matters that will affect you and your family for years to come.

Over the course of their careers, our law firm's attorneys have earned recognition as leading advocates for those in need, and we have received numerous awards and honors, including 10.0 lawyer ratings from Justia as well as Premier DUI attorney designations from the American Association of Attorneys. Moreover, we have received Superb client ratings on Avvo as well as the site's Top Contributor Award in 2017.

This means you can expect to receive the highest level of advocacy and support directly from a local attorney who has your best interests at heart. We will always work diligently to increase your chances of obtaining the favorable outcome you expect and deserve efficiently and cost-effectively.

To find out more about how the Makridis Law Firm can best assist you and your family during this very difficult and uncertain time in your life, we invite you to call our law office or visit our website to schedule a free initial consultation.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

About Makridis Law Firm, LLC

Practice Areas

  • Criminal Defense 16%
  • Workers Compensation 16%
  • Personal Injury 16%
  • Bankruptcy 16%
  • Social Security Disability 16%
  • Employment 16%


  • 10%


  • Greek
  • English (Primary)

Pro Bono Activities

  • Bankruptcy, 1981 - Present




Office Information


183 W. Market St.2nd Floor Warren, OH 44483


  • 330-394-3070

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

M-F; 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Sat-Sun; Closed




  • Volunteer Attorney of the Year for Legal Aid (Irene Makridis), 2019

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Firm Address

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183 W. Market St.2nd Floor Warren, OH 44483

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