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Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC - Roseburg, OR

727 SE Cass Ave# 221 Roseburg, OR 97470

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Updated: 01/22/2025

Roseburg Personal Injury Law Firm


The law firm of Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC is an Oregon statewide law firm focusing exclusively in the field of personal injury. With offices in Roseburg, Eugene, Grants Pass, Medford, Portland, and Bend, we are able to serve injured clients throughout the state of Oregon. Together, our attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience in the area of personal injury law in Oregon.

Lawyers Who Work Hard to Help – $50 Million in Results in the Last 3 Years

Our personal injury lawyers take great pride in our ability to help clients obtain the maximum compensation they need to recover physically and emotionally from their serious injuries. This is particularly true when the accidents that caused the injuries should never have happened in the first place. We also take great pride in representing families that have lost loved ones in wrongful death accidents.

We are known throughout the region as an experienced, accomplished and tough Oregon personal injury law firm that will not be outworked. Indeed, in just the past three years alone, we have helped our clients recover more than $50 MILLION to cover medical expenses and other damages. Whether you will benefit the most through a settlement, mediation, arbitration or trial, we will be by your side protecting your rights every step of the way.

Free Initial Consultation with an Experienced Lawyer

The Oregon law firm of Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC offers a free consultation with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys. During the consultation, we will evaluate your case and explain how we can help you. We represent clients on a contingency fee basis, which means that unless we get you results, you pay no attorney's fee.

About Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury
  • Car Accident
  • Wrongful Death

Office Information


727 SE Cass Ave# 221 Roseburg, OR 97470


  • 541-617-0984

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Other Offices

Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC (Main Office) 1558 SW Nancy Way Suite 101 Bend, OR 97702 877-417-5325

Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC 975 Oak Street Suite 610 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 341-1625

Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC 777 NE 7th St Ste.106 Grants Pass, OR 97526 877-417-5325

Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC 23 Newtown St Medford, OR 97501 877-417-5325

Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC 111 SW Columbia St. Suite 710 Portland, OR 97201 877-417-5325




  • Auto accidents
    Dwyer, Williams, Potter LLP is an experienced, tough, and mature Oregon personal injury law firm that has settled, mediated, arbitrated & tried over 650 personal injury auto accident cases over the last three years.
  • DUI Auto Accidents
    If you or a loved one is in need of legal assistance concerning a car accident caused by a negligent driver who is under the influence of alcohol or other substances, call Dwyer, Williams, Potter Attorneys, LLP immediately.
  • Brain Injuries
    We handle all traumatic brain injury cases, big and small, with the same dedication and tenacity that other firms reserve for only big brain injury cases.
  • Nursing Home Abuse
    With the experienced nursing home abuse lawyers of Dwyer, Williams, Potter, you and your loved one will receive the representation and settlement you deserve.

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727 SE Cass Ave# 221 Roseburg, OR 97470

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