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Garza Law Firm - Jacksboro, TN

571 Main St Jacksboro, TN 37757

Updated: 09/27/2023

Jacksboro Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, and Social Security Law Firm


Advocating on behalf of those injured through no fault of their own, we provide aggressive personal injury representation at the Garza Law Firm in Knoxville, Tennessee. Our team has seen the physical, emotional, and financial impact that accident injuries can have on people and their families, and we work to help those we serve achieve financial justice. We also assist clients with Social Security Disability and workers' compensation claims...

Advocating on behalf of those injured through no fault of their own, we provide aggressive personal injury representation at the Garza Law Firm in Knoxville, Tennessee. Our team has seen the physical, emotional, and financial impact that accident injuries can have on people and their families, and we work to help those we serve achieve financial justice. We also assist clients with Social Security Disability and workers' compensation claims.

Having more than 100 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys tirelessly pursue the maximum compensation on behalf of those injured due to the negligent or otherwise unsafe actions of others. We represent clients in matters such as car accidents, animal bites, medical malpractice, premises liability, products liability, and wrongful death.

Our law firm offers free initial consultations. In that first meeting and until their cases are resolved to their satisfaction, we listen to our clients' concerns and advise them of their rights and options, including the potential upsides and disadvantages of each. Emphasizing accessibility, our team is always available and makes every effort to return phone messages and emails so those we represent are never left with unanswered questions.

Assisting people through life's legal challenges, our team at the Garza Law Firm also provides local, state, and federal criminal defense. Our attorneys strive to limit the effects of their arrests on their family life, job, liberty, and freedom. We represent people with cases involving traffic tickets, DUI and DWI, drug violations, assault and battery, sex offenses or sexual abuse, domestic assault, domestic violence and neglect, theft, white collar crimes, and other misdemeanor and felony offenses. We accept credit cards.

About Garza Law Firm

Practice Areas

  • Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, and Social Security

Office Information


571 Main St Jacksboro, TN 37757

Other Offices

Garza Law Firm (Main Office) 550 West Main Street Suite 340 Knoxville, TN 37902 - 2515 865-444-6124

Garza Law Firm 118 E Watauga Ave Johnson City, TN 37601 423-282-1041


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571 Main St Jacksboro, TN 37757

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