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Moyer Law, PC - Providence, RI

55 Pine Street Providence, RI 02903

Updated: 11/11/2024

Providence Divorce Law Firm


Offering strategic counsel and dedicated advocacy, we provide divorce and family law services at Moyer Law, PC, in Providence, Rhode Island. Standing by our clients from the start of their cases through their resolutions, our law firm is passionate about helping people throughout the state to achieve efficient and effective solutions to their legal problems. For the convenience of those we represent, we have offices in Providence, Warwick and Wakefield.

Getting a divorce or dealing with other family-related legal challenges can be emotionally taxing for everyone involved. Our law firm strives to alleviate as much of our clients' stresses as we can by offering compassionate, yet objective, guidance. We recognize that finances are often a concern for families who are dealing with legal issues, which is why we accept credit cards.

We work closely with our clients throughout each stage of the legal process, so they do not have to face these difficult situations on their own. When people work with our law firm, they can take comfort knowing that they will never be treated like just another file and that the counsel we offer is tailored to their specific circumstances. Each client's unique needs and concerns inform our strategies, and we aggressively pursue their best interests in and out of the courtroom.

Our team at Moyer Law, PC, places an emphasis on communication. We never want our clients left wondering what is going on with their cases or having unanswered questions. Our law firm gives people regular status updates, and we make every effort to respond promptly to emails and phone calls.

About Moyer Law, PC

Practice Areas

  • Divorce
  • Child Custody
  • Family Law


  • 100%


  • English (Primary)

Previous Law Firm Name

  • Moyer Law Office
  • Moyer Law

Pro Bono Activities

  • Member, Planning Board, Town of Foster, 2003 - 2008



  • Kimberly Mathis, Paralegal & Office Manager

Office Information


55 Pine Street Providence, RI 02903

Accepts Credit Cards


Other Offices

Moyer Law, PC (Main Office) 51 Jefferson Blvd Warwick, RI 02888 (401) 206-4659

Moyer Law, PC 23 North Road Wakefield, RI 02879 401-305-2934


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55 Pine Street Providence, RI 02903

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