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Ryan Kelley - Providence, RI

685 Westminster St. Providence, RI 02903

Updated: 04/25/2019


A combined interest in the law and a desire to do good for people led Ryan Kelley to become an attorney. In joining Marasco & Nesselbush’s Personal Injury and Medical Negligence practice group in early 2017, Ryan began working with colleagues at a firm he describes as having earned a great reputation for putting the client first and working as a team to deliver the best possible result for the client.

As an attorney, Ryan enjoys applying the applicable law to the facts of client cases in a forthright but persuasive manner. “My passion is helping those who were injured as a result of the carelessness or negligence of others get compensation for those injuries and the resulting economic losses. In short, I try to make injured folks as whole as they can be after a traumatic incident,” says Ryan.

Ryan helped put himself through college and law school working as a bartender and server, experience that taught him to anticipate others’ needs and developed empathy for those in all walks of life.

“As the son of an old-fashioned salesman, I was always taught about the importance of doing what is best for the customer, being honest and living up to your word. I’ve embraced this philosophy as the only way to conduct business and an approach that will benefit everyone in the long run,” says Ryan.

Before joining Marasco & Nesselbush, Ryan worked for a leading personal injury law firm in South Boston.

A magna cum laude graduate of Providence College, Ryan advanced his interest in the law at Suffolk University Law School, earning his law degree with cum laude honors. He is a member of the bar in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, 2014 and is also admitted to the practice before the US District Courts of RI and MA. Ryan is a member of the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys. When not working on behalf of clients, Ryan enjoys spending time with his fiancé and two dogs, Jackson and Waffles, and is an active sports enthusiast, playing indoor soccer, basketball and tennis and skiing.


Office Information


685 Westminster St. Providence, RI 02903


  • 401-274-7420

Office Hours

8:00am - 5:00pm

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685 Westminster St. Providence, RI 02903

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