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Maguire Law Firm - Myrtle Beach, SC

1600 North Oak StreetSuite B Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Super Lawyers®


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Updated: 11/11/2024

Myrtle Beach Personal Injury Law Firm


Advocating for those injured by the intentional, negligent or otherwise careless actions of others, we provide personal injury law services at the Maguire Law Firm in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Our attorneys believe people deserve protection against unsafe drivers, properties and products, and we strive to hold businesses and individuals financially accountable when they fail to prevent causing injuries to others. We offer free initial consultations and virtual appointments.

Since our law firm’s founding, we have worked to recover the maximum compensation for people injured in a range of accidents. Our attorneys have experience representing clients with cases involving issues such as the following:

  • Car and trucking accidents
  • Medical malpractice and birth injuries
  • Sexual abuse, assault and battery injuries
  • Animal bites
  • Premises liability
  • Wrongful death

Our attorneys at the Maguire Law Firm also assist those injured on the job due to construction accidents and other such work-related incidents, as well as those with disabling conditions expected to 12 months or more. We explain to clients how the workers’ compensation and Social Security Disability programs work and help them determine their eligibility for benefits. Our attorneys walk clients through the application processes, helping them gather and submit the necessary documentation to support their claims and improve their chances for approval.

Whether suffered in an accident on their own time or in the workplace, we understand the toll that accident injuries may take on those who suffer them and their families. Our firm handles as much of the heavy lifting as possible for those with brain injuries and other such injuries resulting from accidents, working to make the process of obtaining the compensation they need and deserve as smooth and stress-free as possible. We accept credit cards.

About Maguire Law Firm

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury
  • Workers' Compensation




  • Barbara Belcher, Litigation Paralegal
  • Brook Freeman, Litigation Paralegal
  • Brandi Beaver, Litigation Assistant
  • Debbie Worman, Paralegal, Scheduling
  • Asriel Duran, Pre-Litigation Paralegal
  • Sheryl Priest, Pre-Litigation Paralegal
  • Kelly McCaig, Pre-Litigation Paralegal
  • Carol Brickley, Accounting
  • Ed Maclin, Accounting
  • Megan Demorest, Receptionist

Office Information


1600 North Oak StreetSuite B Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Offers Free Initial Consultation


Accepts Credit Cards




Lawyers at Maguire Law Firm selected for a Super Lawyers® list

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1600 North Oak StreetSuite B Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

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