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Music City Estate Law - Franklin, TN

1650 Murfreesboro RoadSuite 208 Franklin, TN 37067

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 11/11/2024

Franklin Trusts Law Firm


The law firm of Music City Estate Law serves the people of Franklin, Tennessee, as estate planning attorneys. Our legal focus extends to probate, living trusts, wills, business planning, business succession planning, transferring properties to children, asset protection planning and trust administration. Along with estate law, we also offer asset protection in the form of decanting trusts, spendthrift trusts, foreign trusts, Tennessee dynasty trusts and Tennessee domestic asset protection trusts.

While our main office is in Franklin, we also serve the people of Nashville and the rest of the state. As our clients work to establish a trust or will and determine what they want to happen with their assets and estate after they die, we guide them through what can be a complicated legal process and advise them on the best ways to gain peace of mind about their future. At the law firm of Music City Estate Law, our goal is to make the planning process as smooth as possible.

We offer our clients the option to pay for our services with credit cards and work hard to adapt to meet the individual needs of every client. Because we recognize that every situation is unique, we customize our legal services to match the need of the individual or family.

Along with our legal representation, we also offer free public seminars to help educate the people of Tennessee on estate planning. An estate plan is important for individuals of any age, and the attorney at our law firm can help set up the appropriate system for any client, no matter how simple or complex the estate is.

About Music City Estate Law

Practice Areas

  • Trusts
  • Wills
  • Estate Planning
  • Elder Law

Office Information


1650 Murfreesboro RoadSuite 208 Franklin, TN 37067


  • 615-628-7778

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Other Offices

Music City Estate Law 4525 Harding Pike #200 Nashville, TN 37205 615-729-5650



Lawyers at Music City Estate Law selected for a Super Lawyers® list

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1650 Murfreesboro RoadSuite 208 Franklin, TN 37067

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