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Jesse L. Cromwell - Dallas, TX

3710 Rawlins StreetSuite 1600 Dallas, TX 75219

Virtual Appointments

Updated: 10/08/2020

Dallas Appellate Litigation Lawyer


Jesse maintains a diverse business trial and litigation practice in the state and federal courts of Texas. He primarily focuses on legal matters concerning business and commercial litigation, professional liability, personal injury, and appellate law. He has participated in trials involving breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, trade secrets, medical malpractice, conspiracy, fraud and handled multiple appeals.

Representative Matters

  • Successfully appealed final judgment of breach of fiduciary duty, misappropriation of trade secrets, and conspiracy claims resulting in the reversal of a $600,000 award of lost profits and the lifting of a permanent injunction against client. Certiorari denied by the Texas Supreme Court.
  • Obtained a final judgment as second chair for client in excess of $3,000,000 on client's breach of fiduciary duty claim.
  • Successfully appealed trial court's granting of summary judgment against client's claim for wrongful termination following the filing of worker's compensation claim, resulting in reversal and remand.
  • Successfully suspended enforcement of large final judgment against client by filing net-worth affidavits and directing multiple witnesses at hearing on creditor's motion to contest debtor's net-worth
  • Obtained final judgment for $217,636.57 through motion for summary judgment on client's breach of fiduciary duty claim.
  • Settled a Defense Base Act claim for a civilian injured in Iraq for $120,000.

About Jesse L. Cromwell

Practice Areas

  • Appellate Litigation
  • Business & Commercial Litigation
  • Construction Litigation
  • Employment Law
  • Erisa & Non-subscription
  • Insurance Litigation
  • Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Associate Attorney


Bar Admissions

  • Texas, 2011
  • U.S. Court of Appeals 5th Circuit
  • U.S. District Court Eastern District of Texas

Other Affiliations

  • State Bar of Texas
  • Dallas Bar Association
  • Dallas Association of Young Lawyers
  • Defense Research Institute


  • Southern Methodist University School of Law, Dallas, Texas, 2011
    Honors: ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition
    Honors: SMU Small Business Clinic
    Law Review: SMU Science and Technology, Articles Editor
  • University of Texas at Austin, 2008
    Honors: With High Honors
    Honors: Phi Beta Kappa Academic Honors Society
    Major: Philosophy with Business Foundations

Past Positions

  • U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Northern District of Texas, Extern


Office Information


3710 Rawlins StreetSuite 1600 Dallas, TX 75219


  • 214-741-4717

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

8:30 to 6:00

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3710 Rawlins StreetSuite 1600 Dallas, TX 75219

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