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Kristin M. Hecker - Dallas, TX

3710 Rawlins StreetSuite 1600 Dallas, TX 75219

Virtual Appointments

Updated: 02/17/2022

Dallas Business & Commercial Law Lawyer


Kristin M. Hecker joined McCathern in 2019 and is rapidly honing her skills in commercial and securities litigation, working with the firm's many experienced litigators in these specific practices. Kristin leverages her extensive study of these fields while a student and law clerk to bolster her work as a dependable counsel for her clients. Additionally, Kristin was a recent participant of the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers (DAYL) 2020 Leadership Class, an annual program that helps young attorneys expand their involvement in the region's business and non-profit landscape.

Kristin started law school at DePaul University before transferring to SMU in Dallas, where she earned her J.D. in 2019. At SMU, she was a member of the International Law Review Association and wrote her law review note on Bitcoin in the European Union. She was also a member of the Phi Delta Phi legal honor society.

While Kristin was earning her J.D., she was a judicial intern for Justice Paul W. Green at the Supreme Court of Texas. There she conducted extensive research into the cases up for Conference, provided detailed recommendations to Justices regarding petitions for review, and wrote case summaries for granted petitions and published opinions.

In addition to her clerkship at the Supreme Court of Texas, Kristin clerked at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a national bank regulator along with the FDIC and Federal Reserve, where she analyzed OCC regulations and interpretations and worked with banks, bank counsels and law firms to clarify OCC policies.

Prior to law school Kristin attended DePaul, where she earned a Bachelor Science degree in Finance and a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and was the only female recipient of the Brian Campbell Finance Endowment at the Driehaus College of Business. She also served on the executive board of Chi Omega sorority, where she began her ongoing philanthropic work with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

When not practicing law Kristin enjoys Pilates, spending time with her fur babies Rizzo and Hunter, and riding horses at Hillcrest Farm in Argyle, Texas where she is a competitive hunter/jumper equestrian.

About Kristin M. Hecker

Practice Areas

  • Business & Commercial Law
  • Securities Litigation

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Associate



  • Southern Methodist University School of Law, Dallas, Texas, 2019
    Honors: Justice Paul W. Green at the Supreme Court of Texas, Intern
    Honors: International Law Review Association, Member
    Honors: Phi Delta Phi legal honor society, Member
  • DePaul University, 2016
    B.S., Bachelor of Science
    Major: Finance and Economics

Fraternities and Sororities

  • Chi Omega

Past Positions

  • Supreme Court of Texas, Clerk
  • Justice Paul W. Green at the Supreme Court of Texas, Judicial Intern


Office Information


3710 Rawlins StreetSuite 1600 Dallas, TX 75219


  • 214-741-4717

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

8:30 to 6:00



  • “How Can the United States Learn from Foreign Countries’ Transport and Use of Renewable Power?”, One J – The Oil and Gas, Natural Resources and Energy Journal, The University of Oklahoma College of Law (May 2021)

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3710 Rawlins StreetSuite 1600 Dallas, TX 75219

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