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Lacey Turley Most - Dallas, TX

6440 North Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75206

Updated: 01/21/2024

Dallas Negligence Lawyer


Q: Why did you become an attorney?

A: I became an attorney so I could help individuals seek and obtain justice in the face of adversity.

Before working in personal injury law, I worked with victims of violent crimes, persons unable to afford legal representation, and families that suffered through domestic violence. Injured persons often encounter challenges in seeking a just recovery for their injuries, such as negotiating with insurance companies and navigating the court system. As a personal injury attorney, I strive to ease my clients' burdens and remove any roadblocks to their recovery.

Lacey Turley Most is from Dallas, Texas. Ms. Most works on a variety of cases, including Negligence and Sexual Abuse cases. She received her bachelor of arts and graduated with general honors from the University of Miami. Prior to joining the Turley Law Firm, Ms. Most worked on death penalty cases in Florida. She also assisted victims of domestic violence and other violent crimes in navigating the United States immigration system.

During law school, Ms. Most distinguished herself at the University of Miami School of Law where she graduated in the top 5% of her class. She earned multiple awards for her academic performance, including the Dean's Certificate of Achievement for earning the highest grades in her legal writing and conflict of laws classes. Ms. Most graduated magna cum laude and was inducted into the Order of the Coif.

For her performance in the school's Litigation Skills program Ms. Most was awarded the John F. Evans Memorial Scholarship and selected to serve as the Richard Lapidus Litigation Skills Fellow. As a Litigation Skills Fellow, Ms. Most assisted other students in honing trial practice skills.

In addition to her work in the Litigation Skills program, Ms. Most devoted her time to legal writing and research. She served as Articles and Comments Editor for University of Miami Law Review, which published Ms. Most's comment on the law and involuntary medical treatment. She also served as a Writing Dean's Fellow where she helped other law students develop their writing skills.

About Lacey Turley Most

Practice Areas

  • Negligence
  • Sexual Abuse cases

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Attorney


Bar Admissions

  • Texas
  • U.S. District Court Northern District of Texas


  • University of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables, Florida
    Juris Doctor
    Honors: magna cum laude
    Honors: Top 5% of her Class
    Honors: Order of the Coif
    Honors: Dean’s Certificate of Achievement in Legal Communications and Research I
    Honors: Dean’s Certificate of Achievement in Conflict of Laws
    Honors: Richard Lapidus Litigation Skills Fellow
    Honors: Writing Dean’s Fellow
    Honors: Dean’s List
    Honors: John F. Evans Memorial Scholarship in Litigation Skills I
    Honors: Dean’s Merit Scholarship
    Honors: University Scholarship
    Law Review: Articles and Comments, Editor
  • University of Miami
    B.A., Bachelor of Arts
    Honors: General Honors
    Major: Latin American Studies



  • Order of the Coif
  • Articles and Comments Editor, University of Miami Law Review
  • Dean’s Certificate of Achievement in Legal Communications and Research I
  • Dean’s Certificate of Achievement in Conflict of Laws
  • Richard Lapidus Litigation Skills Fellow
  • Writing Dean’s Fellow
  • Dean’s List
  • John F. Evans Memorial Scholarship in Litigation Skills I
  • Dean’s Merit Scholarship
  • University Scholarship


Office Information


6440 North Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75206


  • 214-361-5802

Accepts Credit Cards




  • Myth of Protection: Florida Courts Permitting Involuntary Medical Treatment of Pregnant Women
  • University of Miami Law Review
  • The Troubling Case of John E. Ferguson: Procedural Failure, Mental Illness, and the Death Penalty in Florida
  • University of Miami Law Review Blog

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