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Leslie Giron Kirby - Houston, TX

5433 Westheimer Rd.Suite 725 Houston, TX 77056

Virtual Appointments

Updated: 11/23/2020

Houston Immigration Lawyer


Leslie founded the Giron Kirby Law Group with the goal of providing personalized, effective, and efficient representation to businesses and individuals in relation to their immigration needs. She has dedicated her career to the practice of immigration law and is committed to providing her clients with the highest quality representation available.

Prior to starting her own firm, Leslie was an attorney at one of the nation's largest immigration law firms, where she represented businesses and individuals in all types of immigration matters. Her expertise in and dedication to the practice of immigration law is informed not only by her prior employment, but also by her life experiences dealing with the immigration system on a personal level.

Leslie was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala. She immigrated to the United States when she was young and has since become a United States citizen. Having gone through the immigration and naturalization process herself, Leslie is aware of how difficult the procedure can be and how challenging it is to wait for a determination to be made. However, she is also cognizant of how wonderful it feels to be awarded legal status and citizenship. Leslie relies on these experiences to guide her clients through the process with compassion and endeavors to bring her clients the same wonderful feeling she experienced by successfully resolving their immigration issues.

In her spare time, Leslie enjoys spending time with her amazing husband, son, and daughter. She is also active in her local church.

About Leslie Giron Kirby

Practice Areas

  • Immigration
  • Personal Injury

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Founding Shareholder


  • English
  • Spanish


Bar Admissions

  • Supreme Court of Texas, 2010
  • Texas

Specialties and Certifications

  • Immigration & Nationality Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization, 2019

Other Affiliations

  • American Immigration Lawyers Association
  • Hispanic Bar Association of Houston
  • Mexican-American Bar Association of Houston


  • South Texas College of Law Houston, Houston, Texas, May, 2010
  • California State University - Northridge, California, 2004

Past Positions

  • Foster Quan, LLP, Attorney, 2010 - 2014

Pro Bono Activities

  • Faith in Action, Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Secretary and Committee Member
  • BakerRipley, Citizenship and Immigration Volunteer
  • Catholic Charities, Volunteer Attorney
  • Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), Volunteer



  • Best Lawyers in America, 2018 - 2020
  • Texas Super Lawyers, Rising Star, 2019 - 2020
  • Houstonia Top Lawyers, 2017 - 2019


Office Information


5433 Westheimer Rd.Suite 725 Houston, TX 77056


  • 713-955-2064

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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5433 Westheimer Rd.Suite 725 Houston, TX 77056

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