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Paul Morgan Law Office, PLLC - Houston, TX

1523 Yale St.Suite 3 Houston, TX 77008

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 11/11/2024

Houston Criminal Law Firm


Devoted exclusively to criminal defense, Paul Morgan Law Office, PLLC, has earned a reputation for aggressive representation in Houston, Texas. Paul Morgan, our experienced trial attorney, has advocated for clients in courtrooms across the state, using every possible tactic to protect their rights throughout the process. Our successes include the following:

• Dropped charges
• Case dismissals
• Not guilty verdicts
At our law office, we know exactly what is on the line when the authorities make arrests, file charges or launch investigations. We act immediately on behalf of our clients to ensure that from the very start, their case is set up for the best possible outcome. Our team has handled a range of issues, such as sex crimes, drug offenses, assault, mental illness and domestic violence.
Mr. Morgan knows how to handle overzealous prosecutors and law enforcement officers who failed to follow proper protocol. He has called out unreliable witnesses and had so-called evidence blocked. In one case, he proved a law enforcement officer was corrupt, which led to more than 142 case dismissals. Mr. Morgan gives a whole new meaning to the word "tenacious." He does much more than simply represent clients; he fights for them at every turn.
Paul Morgan Law Office, PLLC, offers initial consultations and accepts credit cards.

About Paul Morgan Law Office, PLLC

Practice Areas

  • Criminal Law
  • Drug Violations
  • Mental Illness
  • Sex Crimes
  • Assault Crimes



Office Information


1523 Yale St.Suite 3 Houston, TX 77008

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

Everyday 9:00am - 6:00pm



Lawyers at Paul Morgan Law Office, PLLC selected for a Super Lawyers® list

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1523 Yale St.Suite 3 Houston, TX 77008

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