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Denton Navarro Rodriguez Bernal Santee & Zech, P.C. - San Antonio, TX

2517 North Main Avenue San Antonio, TX 78212

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 01/28/2025

San Antonio State, Local, and Municipal Law Firm


Counsel and Advocacy for Texas Government Entities, Quasi-Public Entities, Governing Bodies and Elected Officials

At the Texas law firm of Denton Navarro Rodriguez Bernal Santee & Zech, P.C., our goal is to provide governmental entities, government administrators and other public or quasi-public clients in Texas with the highest quality of legal representation. Bringing creativity, cost-sensitivity and sophistication, our highly experienced lawyers handle a range of municipal law matters, including:

  • State and federal civil litigation defense
  • Labor and employment litigation defense
  • Public sector labor relations
  • Labor negotiations and collective bargaining

We also offer special counsel and general counsel (i.e. city attorney) services regarding governing board process and procedure, land use and planning, economic development, policy design and implementation, civil service law and much more.

Listed in Martindale-Hubbell’s Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers, Denton Navarro Rodriguez Bernal Santee & Zech, P.C., maintains a reputation for integrity and compliance with the highest ethical standards. Our motto is “Rampage Law,” which expresses our commitment to tenaciously and energetically pursing innovative solutions to our clients’ problems.

Although skilled litigates, our attorneys promote non-adversarial resolutions to legal disputes whenever possible. In addition, many of our lawyers are former public employees, giving us unique insight into labor relations, employment disputes and other issues affecting our clients.

Call the San Antonio office of Denton Navarro Rodriguez Bernal Santee & Zech, P.C., at 210-227-3243 to arrange an initial consultation about any of our areas of practice.

About Denton Navarro Rodriguez Bernal Santee & Zech, P.C.

Practice Areas

  • State, Local, and Municipal Law
  • City Attorney, General Counsel And Special Counsel
  • Trial And Courtroom Work
  • Police And Fire Labor Negotiations
  • Civil Service Law, Disciplinary Appeals And Hearings
  • Government Ethics And Compliance
  • Government Relations And Regulatory Affairs

Previous Law Firm Name

  • Denton & Navarro, P.C., 2003
  • Denton, McKamie & Navarro, P.C., 2001
  • Denton & McKamie, P.C., 1991
  • Law Offices of Lowell F. Denton, 1990



Office Information


2517 North Main Avenue San Antonio, TX 78212

Other Offices

Denton Navarro Rodriguez Bernal Santee & Zech, P.C. 2500 West William Cannon Suite 609 Austin, TX 78745 512-279-6431

Denton Navarro Rodriguez Bernal Santee & Zech, P.C. 701 East Harrison Ave Suite 100 Harlingen, TX 78550 956-421-4904

Denton Navarro Rodriguez Bernal Santee & Zech, P.C. 549 N. Egret Bay Blvd. Suite 200 League City, TX 77573 832-632-2102



Lawyers at Denton Navarro Rodriguez Bernal Santee & Zech, P.C. selected for a Super Lawyers® list

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2517 North Main Avenue San Antonio, TX 78212

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