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David N. Jardine - Provo, UT

3651 N. 100 E.Suite 350 Provo, UT 84604

Updated: 01/06/2022

Provo Real Estate Lawyer


David N. Jardine is an attorney with both Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration degrees. His practice focuses on real estate, construction, condominiums, business, contract, and employment litigation, and transactional work. Mr. Jardine has represented clients on commercial real estate leases, landlord/tenant issues, collection of debts, employment disputes, and breach of contract issues. Mr. Jardine has been a licensed Real Estate Agent in Utah for 14 years. Before embarking on his legal career he spent 11 years in real estate development. He has extensive experience with real estate sales, negotiations with municipal entities, Home Owners Associations, land options, and parcel assemblage.

Property owner representation before municipalities is one of the key offerings of Mr. Jardine's practice. Developers know what a time consuming and frustrating experience it can be to get their projects approved. As a former developer, Mr. Jardine knows the obstacles faced by developers when they go before city officials. His expertise can be an invaluable asset for anyone needing city approvals.

Similarly, Mr. Jardine has extensive experience with Condominiums and Home Owners Associations. He can help clients sift through and/or amend the rules or procedures outlined in a Declaration of Condominium or the Rules and Regulations of their communities. If debt collections are necessary within the community, Mr. Jardine has the expertise to amicably negotiate a resolution or take the appropriate action to recover the community's dues.

Mr. Jardine also represents those involved with real estate purchase and lease contracts, whether for themselves or as real estate brokers/agents. As a licensed real estate agent and attorney, Mr. Jardine understands both his client's interests as well as the relevant law regarding their real estate transactions.

About David N. Jardine

Practice Areas

  • Real Estate
  • Construction
  • Condominiums
  • Business
  • Contract
  • Employment Litigation
  • Transactional

Current Employment Position(s)

  • President


Bar Admissions

  • Utah, 2012
  • U.S. District Court District of Utah, 2012

Other Affiliations

  • Central Utah Bar Association
  • Real Property, Trust and Estate Section of the American Bar Association
  • Real Estate Section of the Utah State Bar
  • Litigation Section of the Utah State Bar


  • Dickinson School of Law of the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, 2011
  • The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business , 2010
    Major: Finance
  • Brigham Young University, 2002
    Major: History



  • Utah Real Estate Sales Agent License-5454374-SA00 (1994-2008, 2013-present)


Office Information


3651 N. 100 E.Suite 350 Provo, UT 84604

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

9a.m.- 5p.m., Monday- Friday

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3651 N. 100 E.Suite 350 Provo, UT 84604

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