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Cory D. Rein - Everett, WA

3232 Rockefeller Ave Everett, WA 98201 - 4398

Super Lawyers®


Updated: 06/05/2024

Everett Victims of Negligence Lawyer


Cory has practiced law with the firm in Everett since his graduation from law school in 1992. Cory was raised in Anacortes, Washington where he graduated from high school. He is a 1989 graduate of Western Washington University and a 1992 graduate of Seattle University School of Law.

Throughout high school, college, and law school Cory worked during the summers as a commercial salmon fisherman both in the Bristol Bay area of Alaska and in the waters of Puget Sound.

Cory is a partner in the firm and maintains a busy general trial practice both pursuing and defending the interests of his clients. His practice includes representation of clients in injury claims, including injuries caused in vehicle collisions, injuries arising from sexual abuse or assault, and injuries arising from negligent or intentional actions of others

Cory's practice also includes representation of clients in real estate disputes including litigation involving adverse possession, boundary disputes, easement claims, purchase and sale disputes, as well as misrepresentation and fraud claims involving real estate.

Cory's practice also includes representation of clients in family law matters including divorce, legal separation, parenting and custody disputes, child support disputes, non-parental and third party custody disputes.

Cory is keenly aware that resolving disputes in court can be costly, and that litigation can take more than a financial toll, both for clients pursuing claims and those defending against claims. He understands well that successful representation of a client's interests in court requires thoughtful analysis, thorough preparation, sharp focus, and the will to win.

Though Cory regularly represents the interests of his clients in trial, he also encourages and assists his clients in resolving disputes through mediation when possible.

Cory resides in Everett with his wife and two daughters. His spare time is devoted to his family, friends, and fishing.

About Cory D. Rein

Practice Areas

  • Victims of Negligence
  • Victims of Sexual Abuse
  • Real Estate disputes
  • Contract Disputes
  • Disputes Involving Fraud and Misrepresentation
  • Divorce, Child Custody and Child Support Disputes
  • Adverse Possession and Boundary Disputes
  • Accident Victims and Personal Injury

Current Employment Position(s)

  • Partner



  • Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, Washington, 1992
  • Western Washington University, 1989


Other Sources of Feedback About Cory D. Rein

Included on the 2007 Washington Super Lawyers list

View the profile for Cory D. Rein on Super Lawyers


Office Information


3232 Rockefeller Ave Everett, WA 98201 - 4398


  • (425) 259-6435

Accepts Credit Cards


Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm; Saturday-Sunday: Closed

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Firm Address

(425) 259-6435
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3232 Rockefeller Ave Everett, WA 98201 - 4398

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