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L. Paul Alvestad - Gig Harbor, WA

7191 Wagner Way, N.W.Suite 202 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 - 1165

Updated: 12/30/2019

Gig Harbor Estate Planning & Settlement Lawyer


A lifelong Gig Harbor resident, Paul graduated from Gig Harbor's Peninsula High School, obtained a business degree (cum laude) from Washington State University, a law degree (cum laude) from Gonzaga University, and an LLM in taxation from Denver University.

After doing some work in the criminal arena, in 1980 he returned to school at Denver University where he earned the tax degree which he has since then used in his representation of hundreds of small to mid-sized businesses and families.

Paul and his wife Lisa have two children who are active in sports and school activities. Every three years he stands for re-election by the members of the Peninsula Light Company in Gig Harbor. He is the former President of the Tacoma/Pierce County Estate Planning Council, and chaired and served as a member of several land use committees which played a key role in establishing zoning and land use criteria in Pierce County. An active adult leader in Boy Scouts and former Rotarian of the year at the Gig Harbor Rotary, his most time intensive hobby involves ranching near Horseshoe Lake. Skiing, golf, hiking and history studies also hold his interest.

About L. Paul Alvestad

Practice Areas

  • Estate Planning & Settlement
  • Tax Law
  • Business
  • Real Estate
  • Probate & Estate Administration
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Tax Audits & Litigation
  • Trusts
  • Wills


Other Affiliations

  • Peninsula Light Company (Vice President)
  • Gig Harbor Rotary (Past President)
  • Tacoma/Pierce County Estate Planning Council (Former President )


  • Gonzaga University School of Law, Spokane, Washington
    Honors: cum laude
  • University of Denver College of Law, Denver, Colorado
    Major: Taxation
  • Washington State University, Washington
    Honors: cum laude
    Major: Business


Office Information


7191 Wagner Way, N.W.Suite 202 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 - 1165


  • 253-858-9747

Accepts Credit Cards


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7191 Wagner Way, N.W.Suite 202 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 - 1165

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