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Nunn Vhan & Lang, PLLC - Mt. Vernon, WA

725 S. First StreetSuite B Mt. Vernon, WA 98273

Updated: 11/11/2024

Mt. Vernon Family Law Firm


From our law office in Mt. Vernon, Washington, the attorneys at Nunn Vhan & Lang, P.L.L.C., are here to help you with all the important and sensitive legal matters affecting your family and your future. To that end, we provide exceptional representation and support in all areas of family law, elder law and estate planning, and we have become one of the area's leading legal practices for families in need.

Serving clients from all walks of life throughout Skagit County and the surrounding areas, our attorneys possess decades of combined legal experience, and we have earned Superb ratings as well as several Clients' Choice awards from AVVO for our impeccable professionalism and unwavering commitment to those we serve.

If you are going through a divorce or legal separation, you can turn to our law firm for help resolving your conflicts and reaching agreements with regards to child custody and support, visitation, property division, and other related matters. We also have extensive experience handling paternity matters and helping domestic violence victims secure the protections they need against their abusers.

If you seek to protect your assets for future generations and need to establish a plan for your end-of-life wishes, we provide comprehensive estate plans and probate representation, and we can assist with setting up guardianships and other protections you may need if you should ever face incapacitation.

No matter your legal needs regarding your future and the future of your family, Nunn Vhan & Lang, P.L.L.C., has you covered, and we promise to work directly with you throughout all legal proceedings to ensure the best odds of achieving your goals efficiently. To find out more, you can call our law office or visit our website to schedule a consultation.

About Nunn Vhan & Lang, PLLC

Practice Areas

  • Family
  • Divorce

Office Information


725 S. First StreetSuite B Mt. Vernon, WA 98273


  • 425-259-6224

Accepts Credit Cards


Other Offices

Nunn Vhan & Lang, PLLC (Main Office) 2707 Colby Ave. Suite 1204 Everett, WA 98201 425-405-7832

Nunn Vhan & Lang, PLLC 2223 112th Suite 200 Bellevue, WA 98004 425-405-7832


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725 S. First StreetSuite B Mt. Vernon, WA 98273

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