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Dailey LLP - Wilmington, DE

1201 N. Orange St.Suite 7300 Wilmington, DE 19801

Virtual Appointments

Updated: 08/18/2020

Wilmington Business Litigation Law Firm


At Dailey LLP, we are business lawyers and litigators. We assist our clients in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in business disputes, class action suits, director and officer litigation, and other related matters. We also have offices in New York City; Wilmington, Delaware; and Media, Pennsylvania.

Our founders came from nationally recognized firms. We founded our law firm to create a modern litigation boutique that eliminates traditional law firm inefficiencies and provides deep experience at a better value.

Business Law
We have two primary areas of focus. The first is our business litigation practice group, which represents companies in business disputes with competitors, clients, or the government. These cases include deal litigation, class action litigation, director and officer litigation, or other litigation over accounting or financial reporting issues.

Construction Law
Our second area of focus is construction law. We handle both transactions and disputes. We regularly represent universities and colleges, private schools, publics school districts, contractors, developers, private owners, sureties and others in the construction industry. We have litigated in state and federal courts to prosecute and defend all types of complex commercial construction disputes.

Experience And Skill
At Dailey LLP, we understand all aspects of the complex, interrelated disputes typical of today's corporate environment. Our attorneys have the dedication and knowledge necessary to plan and execute lengthy, complicated litigation strategies at the right cost. We do that by matching the right processes, technology and people to secure the best possible outcome for our clients. We believe our approach best protects your company’s brand and assets.

About Dailey LLP

Practice Areas

  • Business Litigation
  • Construction Law (All areas including litigation)



Office Information


1201 N. Orange St.Suite 7300 Wilmington, DE 19801

Other Offices

Dailey LLP (Main Office) 1650 Market Street Suite 3600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-367-1640

Dailey LLP 1250 Broadway 36th Floor New York, NY 10001 212-381-4857

Dailey LLP 218 W. Front Street Media, PA 19063 610-536-6110


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Firm Address

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1201 N. Orange St.Suite 7300 Wilmington, DE 19801

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